Friday, 23 December 2011

Čestitka ...

Želimo Vam in Vaši družini vesel Božič ter srečno NOVO LETO 2012 !


Thursday, 8 September 2011

Evrski obrok posojila v frankih nižji skoraj za desetino

Švicarska centralna banka s posredovanjem na trgu ni pomagala le domačemu gospodarstvu, ampak tudi številnim Slovencem s posojili v frankih.

Razplet včerajšnje valutne norišnice je bil za slovenske posojilojemalce v frankih precej ugoden: mesečni obroki v evrih bodo prav gotovo nižji. Švicarska centralna banka napoveduje nadaljnje upadanje franka, torej še nižje obroke posojil. Je pa to seveda slaba novica za slovenske izvoznike v Švico, ki posle sklepajo v tamkajšnji valuti.

Švicarska centralna banka (SNB) je včeraj ob desetih dopoldne napovedala, da bo vzdrževala minimalno menjalno razmerje pri 1,20 franka za evro oziroma 0,833 evra za frank. To je bilo približno devet odstotkov nad včerajšnjim valutnim razmerjem med evrom in frankom pred napovedjo SNB. V pisnem sporočilu so ob tem še napovedali, da se bodo za še šibkejši frank vztrajno prizadevali. Ne bomo več dovolili menjalnega razmerja, manjšega od 1,20 franka za evro. To razmerje bomo vzdrževali s skrajnimi napori. Za to smo pripravljeni kupiti neomejene količine tujih valut, so nedvoumno zapisali v sporočilu za javnost. Analitiki verjamejo, da se bodo napovedanega držali. Če ne, bi bila namreč načeta kredibilnost SNB, to pa bi lahko znova spodbudilo špekulante k nakupom frankov in vnovični rasti valute, ki vse resneje načenja konkurenčnost švicarskega gospodarstva. Podoben ukrep je SNB uspešno izvedla že leta 1978, ko so vlagatelji podobno kot danes bežali v varne naložbe, predvsem franke, marke in zlato.

Novih posojil v frankih ne gre pričakovati

"To je seveda zelo dobra novica za posojilojemalce, saj je bilo valutno razmerje med evrom in frankom pred fiksacijo približno deset odstotkov nižje. To pomeni, da se je posojilojemalcem glavnica, merjena v evrih, v enem dnevu zmanjšala za 10 odstotkov," razlaga David Benedek, član uprave NLB . Da bodo zaradi poteze švicarske centralne banke slovenske banke spet začele ponujati posojila v frankih, pa ne pričakuje: To ne bo spremenilo politike. Banke namreč nimamo virov v frankih, hkrati pa prevladuje težnja, da se posojilojemalci zadolžujejo v valuti, v kateri prejemajo prihodke, s katerimi bodo odplačevali posojilo.

Na švicarski frank je po zadnjih podatkih Banke Slovenije (stanje konec februarja letos) vezanih manj kot pet odstotkov ali za 1,75 milijarde evrov vseh posojil nebančnemu sektorju. Najbolj, z 1,26 milijarde evrov, so izpostavljena gospodinjstva; na frank je vrednostno vezana kar petina ali za 1,08 milijarde evrov stanovanjskih posojil, skoraj 70 odstotkov pri bankah s tujimi maticami.

Kam bo odneslo frank?

Ne glede na zadnje ukrepe in napovedi SNB pa je nadaljnja rast franka po mnenju Martina Žvanuta, vodje oddelka trgovanja s strankami v Hypo Alpe-Adrii Bank , odvisna od dogajanja v svetovnem gospodarstvu. Frank še naprej vidi kot varno zavetje, na valutni par evro-frank pa bo po njegovem mnenju vplivalo predvsem dogajanje na evrskem območju. Če se bodo razmere zaostrovale, se bodo pritiski v smeri krepitve franka povečali, umiritev krize pa bi vodila v upad njegove vrednosti. Je pa ob krepitvi franka treba pričakovati nove posege SNB na trgu, dodaja Žvanut.

Tanja Petović iz zakladništva Raiffeisen banke pričakuje nadaljnjo rast evra glede na frank. Ta bo po njenem postopna, za rast pa bo potrebno daljše časovno obdobje. Razlog za nadaljnjo krepitev evra glede na frank vidim v stališču SNB in pripravljenih dodatnih ukrepih. Ta krepitev pa bo počasna zaradi težav, ki jih imajo nekatere članice evrskega območja, pojasnjuje Petovićeva.

Vir: Finance, Borza & Denar, Jure Ugovšek, Monika Weiss, Rok Pikon

Nadstandardne nepremičnine

Zemljiška knjiga koliko v resnici za uradni zemljiškoknjižni izpis?

Vrhovno sodišče: Za izpis 67 parcel bo strošek 220 evrov; Ministrstvo: strošek bo 3,28 evra.

V ponedeljkovi prilogi Dela Posel in denar smo objavili zgodbo bralca, ki je iz ene izmed zemljiških knjig v Sloveniji sredi julija dobil informacijo, da bi za želeni overjeni izpis iz zemljiške knjige moral odšteti veliko denarja. Koliko je to, mu ni uspelo izvedeti, na podlagi informacij, ki jih je dobil, pa smo se v članku spraševali, ali bi moral za izpiske plačati 41.000 evrov.

Vprašanje smo v petek naslovili na vrhovno sodišče. Odgovor smo dobili v torek, iz njega pa izhaja, da bi strošek za stranko znašal malo manj kot 220 evrov. A odziv na članek smo prejeli tudi z ministrstva za pravosodje – po njihovem bi strošek znašal 3,28 evra. Bralec je za potrebe stanovanjskega posojila, ki bi ga zavaroval s hipoteko na 67 parcelah, kjer je eden od množice solastnikov, želel pridobiti uradne izpiske.

Izpiskov bi bilo veliko, stroškov pa tudi

Na pristojni zemljiški knjigi so mu na vprašanje o strošku za to sredi julija odgovorili, da bi bilo izpiskov veliko, stroškov pa tudi. Pojasnili so, da zaradi velikega števila solastnikov posamezne parcele en izpisek – narediti bi jih bilo treba 67 – obsega 186 strani. En list stane 3,28 evra, so še zapisali na sodišču. Bi torej stranka morala za izpiske plačati 41.000 evrov?

Obljubljeni odgovor z vrhovnega sodišča je za uporabnika spodbuden. »Stranka bi morala plačati 67 krat 3,28 evra oziroma 219,76 evra. To je za 67 ZK-rednih izpisov. Taksa se namreč računa na overjen izpis, in ne za vsako stran izpisa. Sicer pa ponovno opozarjamo, da stranki ni treba pridobiti overjenega ZK-izpisa (če ga ravno sama izrecno ne zahteva), ker ji stanje preveri notar hkrati pri sestavljanju pogodbenega razmerja ali urejanju njenega zemljiškoknjižnega stanja (vpisovanju pravic v zemljiško knjigo), in torej stranka nima stroškov s sodno takso za zemljiškoknjižne izpise,« so sporočili.

Odziv ministrstva 
za pravosodje

Na članek, objavljen v ponedeljek, so se odzvali na ministrstvu za pravosodje. V pojasnilu navajajo, »da je bila hkrati z novelo zakona o zemljiški knjigi sprejeta tudi novela zakona o sodnih taksah, v delu, ki ureja sodne takse za zemljiškoknjižne postopke.

V skladu s taksno tarifo se za izpisek iz zemljiške ali druge javne knjige, ki jo vodi sodišče, če se ta izda na zahtevo stranke, za vsak list plača taksa v višini 3,28 evra, ne glede na to, koliko strani ta obsega. Pri tem pa je treba poudariti, da beseda list v zakonu o sodnih taksah nima enakega pomena kot stran. Novela ZZK-1 je dokončno odpravila zemljiškoknjižne vložke in posledično tudi evidenčne liste, zato se sodna taksa v višini 3,28 evra zaračuna za posamezen overjeni izpis, ki ga izda sodišče v skladu z drugim odstavkom 198. člena zakona o zemljiški knjigi ne glede na to, koliko strani ta obsega.

Ministrstvo za pravosodje je junija dodatno spremenilo pravilnik o zemljiški knjigi. Pravilnik zdaj omogoča skupne vloge in izpise za vse nepremičnine enega lastnika. Taksa za sestavljeni izpis iz zemljiške knjige (izpisek, na katerem so vse nepremičnine enega lastnika) se ne razlikuje glede na to, ali je oseba izključni lastnik ali solastnik več nepremičnin, za katere hoče izpis. Tako tudi v primeru, ko je oseba imetnik solastninske pravice na več (na primer 100) nepremičninah, lahko pridobi enoten sestavljen izpis iz zemljiške knjige pri vsakem zemljiškoknjižnem sodišču za 3,28 evra.«

Vir: Delo, Gospodarstvo, Milka Bizovičar

Nadstandardne nepremičnine

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

O davku na nepremičnine še nič, znani le prihodki

Kaj se dogaja z zakonom o davku na nepremičnine, smo preverili pri ministrstvu za finance.
Ljubljana - In kaj se dogaja z zakonom o davku na nepremičnine, smo preverili pri ministrstvu za finance, kjer se pripravljajo na novo vladno razpravo o proračunih za leti 2012 in 2013.

V ministrstvu odgovarjajo: »Besedilo zakona je v fazi dokončnega usklajevanja in bo predvidoma v kratkem predstavljeno javnosti, zato vam še ne moremo podati konkretnih pojasnil. Lahko pojasnimo, da predvidevamo 309 milijonov evrov javnofinančnih prilivov.«

Zanimalo nas je, zakaj ministrstvo za finance ne objavi osnutka zakona, ko pa je minister za finance Franc Križanič že pretekli teden povedal: »Zakon o davku na nepremičnine je napisan. Z novim davkom namerava vlada nadomestiti tri dajatve, ki se stekajo v občinske proračune, kakor se bo predvidoma tudi nova dajatev: nadomestilo za uporabo stavbnih zemljišč, davek od premoženja in pristojbino za vzdrževanje gozdnih cest.

Po prihodkih je med njimi daleč najpomembnejše nadomestilo za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča: za leto 2010 je davčna uprava z odločbami odmerila okoli 177,436 milijona evrov nadomestila, obe drugi dajatvi zagotovita le kakšnih pet milijonov evrov.Od nove obdavčitve nepremičnin si ministrstvo torej obeta veliko več, kot je zdaj mogoče potegniti iz nadomestila.

Po besedah finančnega ministra bodo njegovi kolegi pogovor o nepremičninskem davku vključili v razpravo o kleščenju izdatkov v proračunu za leto 2012 in o proračunu za leto 2013. Vsekakor sedanja vlada nove dajatve ne načrtuje niti za prihodnje leto, tako da bo o spremembah v obdavčitvi nepremičnin v resnici odločala njena naslednica.

Nadstandardne nepremičnine

Vir: Delo, Katarina Fidermuc

Nov kodeks dobrih poslovnih običajev v prometu z nepremičninami

Nov kodeks je produkt večletnega dela in izkušenj.

Zbor članov Združenja družb za nepremičninsko posredovanje je sprejel kodeks dobrih poslovnih običajev v prometu z nepremičninami. Direktor Zbornice za poslovanje z nepremičninami Borut Gržinič je dejal, da ta v delu reguliranja odnosov na področju prometa z nepremičninami nadomešča stari kodeks.

Prenova starega kodeksa širi obseg

Kodeksi dobrega obnašanja so avtonomno gospodarsko pravo, kar pomeni, da ga gospodarski subjekti sprejmejo sami brez kakršnegakoli posredovanja državnih organov, je uvodoma pojasnila vodja pravne službe na Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije (GZS) Nina Globočnik. Sprejeti kodeks sicer pomeni delno prenovo sedanjega kodeksa iz leta 1995, ki pa ima širši obseg. Sama še poudarja, da je novi kodeks posledica večletnega dela in izkušenj, zato ga za uporabo priporočajo vsem, ki se ukvarjajo z posredovanjem nepremičnin. Pričakuje tudi, da bo novi kodeks postal del izpita za nepremičninske posrednike.


Vir: Finance, STA

Monday, 29 August 2011

Nasvet: Kako znižati novi davek na spremembo namembnosti zemljišča


Odškodnina, ki jo mora investitor plačati pred izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja, je prihodek državnega proračuna.
Junija letos je država znova uvedla davek oziroma odškodnino za spremembo namembnosti, če se gradi na kmetijskih zemljiščih. Višina je odvisna od bonitete zemljišča in lahko znaša tudi do 25 evrov za kvadratni meter. Pogledali smo, kaj najbolj žuli investitorje in kaj je mogoče storiti, da plačajo manj.

Uredništvu je znan primer, ko je želel investitor enostanovanjske hiše pred nedavnim kupiti tisoč kvadratnih metrov kmetijskega zemljišča, za katero bi plačal 35 tisoč evrov, zraven pa bi mu upravna enota za spremembo namembnosti zaračunala še okoli osem tisoč evrov odškodnine. Pri tem gre za manj kakovostno kmetijsko zemljišče na sicer zazidljivem območju, uvrščeno v spodnji del odmerne lestvice.

Ministrstvo: Odškodnina razmeroma nizka

Medtem ko mali investitorji družinskih hiš tarnajo, da je odškodnina zasoljena, pa na ministrstvu za kmetijstvo, kjer so o tem dobili že več deset vprašanj, menijo, da je »v primerjavi z vrednostjo celotne investicije relativno nizka«, njen cilj pa je »varovanje neprecenljivega bogastva te države, to so kmetijska zemljišča«. Tudi direktor Zavoda za gozdove Jošt Jakša meni, da gre za primerno obliko varovanja najboljše kmetijske zemlje, saj od nje odvrača investitorje oziroma jih spodbuja, da gredo gradit na slabša zemljišča, kjer je odškodnina nižja oziroma je ni.

V zvezi z bojaznijo, da bo novi davek še dodatno zavrl že tako mrtev nepremičninski trg in investicije, pa na ministrstvu pravijo, da je »investicijski ciklus na področju gradbeništva zastal že pred uveljavitvijo novele zakona«, zato »odškodnina ne bo ključni element, ki bi vplival na položaj gradbeništva v Sloveniji«.

Koliko odškodnine vam zaračunajo?

Odškodnina, ki jo mora investitor plačati pred izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja, je prihodek državnega proračuna. Na upravni enoti jo odmerijo za celotno parcelo, in sicer v znesku za kvadratni meter. Višina je odvisna od bonitete kmetijskega zemljišča (od nič do sto točk), ki se vodi v katastru zemljišč. Za vsako parcelo je mogoče javno brezplačno vpogledati, koliko bonitetnih točk ima, in sicer v katastru zemljišč prek portala geodetske uprave ( ).

Po oceni ministrstva bo povprečna odškodnina znašala 10 evrov za kvadratni meter zemljišča, letno pa naj bi na posebnem namenskem podračunu zbrali za 20 milijonov evrov odškodnin. Janez Košir z geodetske uprave ocenjuje, da je po številu največ teh parcel v razponu od 40 do 70 bonitetnih točk; to pomeni v primeru gradnje odškodnino od 7,2 do 15,4 evra za kvadratni meter, najvišja pa znaša 25 evrov za kvadratni meter (lestvica je objavljena v spremenjenem zakonu o kmetijskih zemljiščih, pa tudi na portalih upravnih enot).

Za katera zemljišča velja odškodnina in za katera ne?

Odškodnino za spremembo namembnosti je treba plačati, če želi investitor graditi na zemljišču, ki je s prostorskim aktom določeno kot kmetijsko, pa tudi pri gradnji na sicer stavbnem zemljišču, če gre po dejanski rabi za kmetijske površine, denimo njive, vrtove, travnike, trajne nasade. Odškodnine ni treba plačati zgolj pri rekonstrukcijah in odstranitvi objektov, pri gradnji nezahtevnih objektov in tudi javne infrastrukture, kot so električni vodi, plinovodi.

Spomnimo, da smo podobno dajatev že imeli, a je bila v letu 2003 odpravljena, znova pa uvedena 18. junija letos s spremembo zakona o kmetijskih zemljiščih. Če ste postopek za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja začeli pred 18. junijem, odškodnine ni.

Kako spremeniti boniteto zemljišča in znižati odškodnino?

Boniteta zemljišča pomeni proizvodno sposobnost zemljišča, odvisna je od lastnosti tal, klime, reliefa in posebnih vplivov, kot so skalovitost, sušnost, poplavnost zemljišča, piše v pravilniku o določanju in vodenju bonitete zemljišč. Če lastniki zemljišč v preteklosti niso sporočali denimo spremembe katastrske kulture na zemljišču (njiva, travnik, gozd ...), je možno, da je izračunana in v katastru vodena boniteta napačna glede na dejansko stanje. Lastnik zemljišča pa lahko pri geodetski upravi zahteva, da se evidentira sprememba bonitete zemljišče, kar pa brez elaborata ne bo šlo.

Elaborat mora izdelati geodetsko podjetje oziroma pooblaščeni strokovnjak z izpitom za bonitiranje (seznam na . Janez Košir z Geodetske uprave RS ocenjuje, da tak elaborat stranko stane od 200 do 350 evrov, pri čemer pa ni rečeno, da bo boniteta zemljišča res znižana; možno je celo, da jo zvišajo - odvisno, kaj ugotovijo na terenu.

In če investitor ne dobi gradbenega dovoljenja?

Če tisti, ki je že plačal odškodnino za spremembo namembnosti, nazadnje ne dobi pravnomočnega gradbenega dovoljenja ali ne začne graditi objekta, ima v letu dni oziroma po izteku veljavnosti gradbenega dovoljenja pravico zahtevati vračilo odškodnine.

Vir: Finance, Andreja Rednak


Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Park Place is Britain’s Most Expensive House

Find the Best Luxury real estate in Slovenia - Central Europe ...

The beautiful Park Place, a massive country house built in the 18th century near Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, has become Britain’s most expensive home after being bought by Russian billionaire Vladimir Lisin for a record £140 million (close to US $230 million).

The 300 year old luxurious property was bought by developer Michael Spink back in 2007 for £40 million but he went on to spend around £100million in renovation and reconstruction of this mansion and estate. The property also includes about 200 acres of the parklands, listed monuments, house, cottages, stables and even a boat house.

The Franco-Italian mansion once belonged to Frederick Prince of Wales, the eldest son of George II and more recent owners included John Latsis, a Greek shipping billionaire, the local council which ran it as a school and a couple of developers that intended to turn it into a country club.

Rooms of the main house still have the original huge stone fireplaces and stained glass windows and the original sale also included several other properties, including three houses, 10 tenanted cottages and eight other in need of renovation. During the French revolution, the property’s owner back then developed large caves beneath the property into a chamber that can be reached through a tunnel and six vaulted openings.

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Private island in the South Pacific: Kakula Island

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One of the most exciting properties currently on the market in the South Pacific is the Kakula Island, a private island designed an exclusive celebrity retreat back in 2005. Kukula is part of the island nation of Vanuatu, the Jewel of the Pacific, just off the north coast of the Vanuatu capital, Efate.

The private island is located at just 15 minutes from the mainland and only 50 minutes drive from Vanuatu’s airport. It offers over one and a quarter miles of private white sandy beaches, lush foliage and crystal clear waters and it also features a couple of existing facilities with leading edge infrastructure installed.

There’s no word on pricing yet, but you probably imagine that a private island comes with a price and it’s usually worth every single penny. The Kukula Island can be further developed into a cool resort or the future owners might turn it into a stunning retreat for their family and close friends.

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Prince Andrew Under Fire for Saudi Superyacht Frolic While London Burns

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Britain’s “randy royal”, Prince Andrew, is living up to his tabloid reputation by partying on a Saudi billionaire’s superyacht while London burns in the riots. The London Daily Mirror reports that Andrew’s been living it up with a young blonde bikini-clad companion aboard the Nafisa, a classically-styled 49.25m superyacht custom built by Fr. Schweers Shipyard in 1986. The yacht belongs to Saudi tycoon Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel. Worth a reputed $3.5 billion, Jameel, whose main claim to fame is ownership of the world’s largest Toyota dealership, could certainly afford a much more modern and expensive vessel.

The Nafisa, refitted in 1997, is not without its charms however, especially for a priapic prince looking for a little nooky on the high seas. Andrew, who has had to give up his title as Britain’s “special representative” for Trade and Investment thanks to a few too many embarrassing exploits, was flown to the French island of Corsica by the other day to begin his jaunt on the Mediterranean. The Nafisa offers luxury accommodation for up to 16 guests, but the prince and his babe had the boat mostly to themselves, not counting Andrew’s bodyguards.


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By James

240 ft. Siren Superyacht for Sale at $90 Million

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Edmiston has listed the 240-ft. Nobiskrug superyacht Siren, class winner at the 2009 World Superyacht Awards, for sale at about $90 million. The impressive yacht is eminently suited for a Hollywood mogul with both indoor and outdoor cinemas. Siren has luxe accommodations for 12 guests and 16 crew, features a steel hull and aluminum superstructure with exterior and interior design by Newcruise. Her master suite is situated forward on the yacht’s main deck with a dressing room and his and hers bathrooms. Four further sizable staterooms are located on the lower deck; three of them have queen sized beds and one on the bridge deck comes with twin and a double.

There is also a private office that can become part of a stateroom with a double pullman bunk if required. An elevator serves the four decks for moving about the vessel in comfort. Siren’s swimming platform is part of a duplex beach area that includes a circular balcony and a substantial terrace. The highest deck is a sunbathers’ haven with a Jacuzzi pool edged by double sunbeds. The yacht also features a touch and go helipad. Her MTU 16V4000M60 2,360 hp engines make for a cruising speed of 14 knots and a top speed of 17 knots.


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By James

Nasvet kako na dražbi kupiti hišo za četrtino vrednosti in ostati živ - Nepremičnine

Vse več nepremičnin zaradi poplačila dolgov konča na dražbi. Pravila igre so jasna le na papirju, v praksi nekateri igrajo zelo umazano. Preverili smo, na kaj morate biti pozorni, če po tej poti kupujete nepremičnino.

Do konca junija je bilo na dobrih tri tisoč dražbah prodanih 381 nepremičnin od tri tisoč, kolikor so jih prodajali. Na vrhovnem sodišču pričakujejo, da bo številka do konca leta zrasla na dobrih 6.300 dražb, skoraj dva tisoč več kot lani. Razlog za veliko število nepremičnin na dražbah naj bi bila predvsem poravnava dolga.

Kako dobiti informacijo o javni dražbi?

Javne dražbe nepremičnin so objavljene na spletni strani Sodstva RS ( ), dobra zbirka objav je tudi spletna stran ( ). Ta k odredbi sodišča o prodaji nepremične, alfi in omegi javne dražbe, ki jo le pozorno preberite, pripne še posnetek nepremičnine z Google Eartha. Objavlja tudi dražbe drugih ponudnikov, predvsem občin.

Kaj potrebujem za javno dražbo?

Poleg osebnega dokumenta pogosto še potrdilo o državljanstvu, podjetja pa izpisek iz sodnega registra, star manj kot 30 dni. Pogoj za udeležbo na dražbi je plačana varščina, zato ne pozabite odrezka o plačilu.

Koliko denarja potrebujem za varščino?

Varščina znaša deset odstotkov ocenjene vrednosti nepremičnine in jo je treba na račun, ki ga določi sodišče, nakazati vsaj tri delovne dni pred začetkom dražbe. V nekaterih primerih so plačila oproščeni upniki.

Kako se pripravim na dražbo?

Še preden se odločite za dražbo, si oglejte nepremičnino in cenitveno poročilo, za oboje pa zaprosite sodišče. Cenilci nepremično ocenijo glede na tržno vrednost, pri tem pa upoštevajo pravice, vpisane v zemljiški knjigi, ki bi lahko vplivale nanjo. Med oceno vrednosti in začetkom dražbe lahko mine nekaj mesecev, in če so se razmere na trgu pomembno spremenile, se morda splača za novo oceno najeti sodnega cenilca in jo sodišču predložiti najmanj osem dni pred začetkom prodaje.

Kako poteka prodaja?

Znesek, za katerega se cena dviguje (z dvigom roke), je navadno določen že z odredbo. Če boste z višino ponudbe presenetili še svojo denarnico in kupnine ne boste zmogli poravnati, boste izgubili varščino, sodišče pa bo nepremičnino v nakup ponudilo drugemu najugodnejšemu ponudniku. Deset minut za tem, ko pade najboljša ponudba, je dražba končana in v nasprotju s »klasičnim« nakupom nepremičnine se vam s kupoprodajno pogodbo ni treba obremenjevati. Sodišče izda sklep o »domiku« nepremičnine.

Kaj pa davek?

Davek od prometa na nepremičnine se plača iz kupnine in ga kupec ne plača posebej.

Se splača kupiti na prvi dražbi ali je bolje čakati na drugo?

Le redko se nepremičnina proda na prvem naroku, ko se cena giblje okoli tržne, pravi nepremičninski posrednik Frano Toš iz Interdoma . Na drugem naroku oziroma poskusu prodaje je cena ugodnejša, a se nepremičnina ne sme prodati za manj kot polovico vrednosti, razen če ste spreten pogajalec in o tem prepričate upnike. Če nepremičnina še ni prodana, sodišče v tretje poskusi le na predlog upnika.

Kako naj ravnam, če je nepremičnina pod hipoteko?

Hipoteke se ne smete prestrašiti, saj je dražba varna oblika nakupa. Hipoteke vseh upnikov se namreč po končani dražbi izbrišejo, ne glede na to, ali višina kupnine dejansko pokrije vse dolgove.

Kako se izogniti izsiljevanjem in grožnjam?

Na dražbah nepremičnin se bolj ali manj pojavlja isti krog ljudi, zelo pogosto vnaprej dogovorjenih, kdo bo dražil ceno in kdo ne, pravi sogovornik, ki je na dražbi že poskušal kupiti zemljišče v prestolnici in želi ostati neimenovan. Za nedvigovanje roke izsilijo plačilo, tudi v višini varščine. Na dražbi je lokal Antico v središču Ljubljane kupila in preplačala tudi nekdanja smučarka Urška Hrovat, pravi sogovornik. Stvari je želela narediti »kot je treba«.

»To je bilo pred 15 leti, zato težko kaj več povem. Obstajajo pa v Ljubljani ljudje, ki pridejo dvigovat ceno, če jim ne plačaš,« potrdi Hrovatova. Ne gre za osamljen primer in tega se zaveda tudi vrhovno sodišče, ki proti izsiljevalcem ne more ukrepati, kot pravijo na sodišču. Izsiljevale naj bi »skupine navideznih kupcev«, ki se »selijo« s sodišča na sodišče. Morebitne kupce (denimo solastnike) kličejo že pred dražbo in zahtevajo »nagrado« v zameno za to, da ne višajo izklicne cene, pravijo na vrhovnem sodišču. »Nagrada« se plača v gotovini in naj bi znašala od sto do tisoč evrov, dodajajo. O tem so obvestili pravosodno ministrstvo in ga pozvali k spremembi zakonodaje, da bi zmanjšali možnost takšnih dejanj.

Najbolje je, če se na dražbo odpravite s prekaljenim dražbenim mačkom. »Padalec« ima le malo možnosti za uspeh, je prepričan naš vir, ki je tudi ostal brez želene nepremičnine.

Moram pred nakupom preveriti stanje v zemljiški knjigi?

Ni nujno. Izpisek iz zemljiške knjige pokaže, ali je na nepremičnino vpisana kakšna služnostna pravica, saj so potem pogosto težave. Od pravice elektropodjetij, da kopljejo po vaši zemlji, do pravice oseb, da v stavbi bivajo do smrti. Stvarne služnosti in bremena, stavbne pravice in osebne služnosti, v zemljiško knjigo vpisane pred upniki, s prodajo nepremičnine ne ugasnejo, je jasen zakon o izvršbi in zavarovanju. Te podatke morajo sicer - poleg natančnega opisa nepremičnine in drugih podrobnosti o prodaji - vsebovati tudi pogoji za prodajo nepremičnine. Če torej ne želite plačati za vpogled v zemljiško knjigo, preberite pogoje (vsebuje jih odredba).

Ali lahko po nakupu nepremičnine odslovim podnajemnika?

Po nakupu prevzamete vse obveznosti najemodajalca, določene z najemno pogodbo (in seveda ustreznimi zakoni). Preden stopite v čevlje prejšnjega lastnika, se pozanimajte, kako je s podnajemniki, saj najemno razmerje tudi po prodaji nepremičnine ostane nespremenjeno. Podnajemniku lahko enomesečni odpovedni rok postavite le, če se je vselil po tem, ko je upnik pridobil zastavno pravico (se je »usedel« na nepremičnino).

Je nakup nepremičnine na dražbi dobra priložnost?

»To je relativno. Eno je cena nepremičnine, drugo pa dejstvo, da ima nekdanji lastnik pravico do najema,« pravi Toš. V stanovanju ali hiši lahko biva še tri leta od prodaje, dovoljuje zakon. Če se o višini najemnine ne boste mogli sporazumeti, jo bo določilo sodišče. »Nakup nepremičnine na dražbi lahko pomeni, da morate iz stanovanja vreči družino, kar so hude stvari,« sodi Toš. Za pet ali deset odstotkov ugodnejšo nepremičnino ljudje tega niso pripravljeni početi, ocenjuje. Povsem nekaj drugega je, če izvršba poteka na poslovnem prostoru ali zemljišču, dodaja. Priložnosti se tu in tam pojavijo, a niso tako pogoste kot nekoč, ko so dražbe potekale bolj skrito, še pravi.

»Nepremičnine se na dražbi prodajo okoli njihove realne cene, ne veliko ugodneje od tržne. Redko je naprodaj kaj res dobrega, za kar si sama rečem, to bi se splačalo kupiti,« pravi odvetnica, ki že več let redno spremlja dražbe in ne želi biti imenovana.

Vam je vest prižgala zeleno luč za nakup nepremičnine na dražbi? Ne slepite se, gre za tveganje in lahko se opečete.

Vir: Finance, Urška Kukovič

Najdite nadstandardne nepremičnine - tukaj ...

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Four Seasons Provence Offers Experiences for All

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The Four Seasons Provence at Terre Blanche sits in a unique location – it's not on the French Riviera's famed coast, nor is it located in the chic towns of Nice, Cannes or St. Tropez. The resort instead sits between the three towns, nestled at the base of the hillside village of Fayence and near the towns of Mons, Tourettes and Grasse.

Still, the resort offers a variety of private experience for guests seeking a retreat with a variety of customized experiences. A-listers flock to this hotel during peak times like the Cannes Film Festival, and stars like Angelina Jolie have holed up at the hotel for a few weeks of privacy. This writer had the pleasure of spending a few days at the resort earlier this month.

Train like the pros at the resort's new Albatros Golf Performance Center. After playing on one of two 18-hole, par 72 championship courses, get your swing dissected with the center's BioMecaSwing assessment which analyzes posture, mobility, and balance of each golf movement.

Need more hands-on instruction? The David Leadbetter Golf Academy, trains both beginners and PGA tour professionals alike. Our favorite part? The shoe-fitting room, where you can get your golf shoes custom-fitted, and the specialized "golf gym," offering equipment not yet available in the United States to help assist with stretching and muscle development for high-performance athletes. Afterwards, head to the spa – they offer a specialized golf massage and a massive indoor pool, perfect for relaxing in all weather.

Don't care to head into town to tour the area's most famed perfume factory? They'll come to you. For 55 Euro per person, the resort offers a private, 1.5 hour perfume lecture and consultation with the noses from Fragonnard. You'll even leave the workshop with a personalized bottle of perfume.

Perhaps our favorite part of the hotel? The massive collection of contemporary artwork, ranging from sculpture (heavy on the metals and bronzes) to paintings. More than 70 pieces of nearly priceless work dot the resort grounds,. Starting in early May, guests can request a complimentary French or English language audio tour, where they can take a self-guided stroll through the grounds and learn a bit about the pieces and their history. Until then, request a small photo sheet at the front desk.

While the French are certainly known for their food, guests will enjoy a real treat -Stéphanie Le Quellec, the resort's Executive Chef, recently won the French version of popular show Top Chef. Her creations specialize in the seasonal and fresh – when we visited , we dined on dishes created with sea bass and artichokes, lightly dressed and served with a minimum of fuss- far unlike the heavily sauced French food of old. Those particularly interested in food experiences will want to ask for a private tasting with the sommelier. Conducted in the resort's wine cellar, guests can sample the region's best rosé wines and other local vintages. Be sure to notice the pink and white Diet Coke bottles lining one corner of the cellar. The special limited edition Karl Lagerfeld-designed bottles were specially brought in for a prior guest of the hotel.

This summer, the resort will open a Four Seasons branded kid's club, complete with kid's pool and full-service experiences for children as young as two. Programs include cooking classes, history tours, golf and tennis camps and more. The resort's main pool will also offer limited "family" swimming time.

Nearby Towns
Ask to rent one of the resort's cars to tour nearby towns – you can visit wineries, olive oil plantations, museums and more within an hour's drive, not to mention towns like Cannes and St. Tropez. Arrange for a stop in Nice upon your arrival – the easiest way to access the resort is by flying into Paris and taking a train or short flight (1.5 hours) to Nice, and then driving to the resort (approximately an hour drive).

Resort Experience
The resort itself is a lovely experience – the staff is as attentive as would be expected from a Four Seasons property, and all of the staffers spoke an impressive amount of English. The rooms, tucked throughout the resort in Villa-style configurations, were a bit corporate feeling, but are spacious and boast amenities like L'Occtaine amenities, Nespresso machines and heated bathroom floors. Massive private terraces overlooking the pristinely-manicured grounds ensure that you'll want to spend more time outside than in. Pack flats, however- the sprawling resort means lots of walking. Our biggest complaint? The expensive wireless – 25 euro per day for "fast" Wi-Fi and 3.50 per coffee/tea charge after a "limit" of two daily.

Pack appropriately - the weather is temperate and rarely snows, but the high season (May through September) is the warmest period. Our early spring visit saw temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s, which is average for the year. Dress is resort chic but not cocktail formal, except in the cities, where you'll likely want to pack your "see and be seen" attire.

By: McLean Robbins

Filed under: Estates, Luxury Travel & Hotels

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Busted: Spielberg’s Superyacht Breaks Sardinian Beach Rules

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When we last checked in on Steven Spielberg and his new $200 million megayacht Seven Seas, he was cruising around Portofino. Following that excursion the famed producer set sail for Sardinia, where he’s fallen afoul of the authorities for obnoxious boating behavior. Gwyneth Paltrow was along for the ride on the 280-ft. Oceanco behemoth, but it was actually one of the yacht’s tenders that caused all the trouble, when it departed the ancorage for Porto Liscia beach near the billionaires’ hangout of Porto Cervo. Spielberg, Paltrow and their assorted bodyguards came to close to the shore with their motor running, breaking local laws banning endangering bathers, the London Guardian reports. They take this sort of thing very seriously since one swimmer was killed by a propeller recently at the posh resort.

Luckily no one was injured during Spielberg’s ill-considered excursion, though he did have to pay a fine. The Seven Seas’ key feature is an infinity pool with a 15-ft. glass wall that doubles as a movie screen. It has accommodation and extensive amenities for 12 guests along with a crew of 26, including a private owner’s deck with a large separate master stateroom with a study and private deck area with a Jacuzzi. Walnut, teak and rosewood abound. Other luxury touches include a fully equipped Gymnasium, a spa and massage room and another, indoor cinema. The swimming pool’s bottom also doubles as a helipad when required. Maybe next time Spielberg should use that to go ashore.

By James

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For Sale: A $40 Million Blind Date

Blind Date, an ultra-luxurious 48.9 metre megayacht built by Heesen in late 2009, has been listed for sale via Merle Wood & Associates for about $40 million. The design team for the impressive craft consisted of Omega Architects’ Frank Laupman (exterior) and the UK’s Keech Green (interior) in collaboration with the shipyard’s in-house team. Key features of the luxe layout are a wheelhouse deck extension containing a gymnasium; a liquid metal-finish spiral staircase connecting her four decks; a full dining suite on the aft bridge deck; and a sundeck equipped with a large Jacuzzi and a sprinkler system to cool the hot teak in strong sun.

The interior has an updated Art Deco feel with sybaritic splashes of marble, silk and cashmere throughout. The yacht’s ten guests are accommodated in four cabins on the lower deck and one full beam owner’s suite on the main deck. Each cabin features a private bathroom paneled with different semiprecious stones, including six different types of onyx. Powered by a pair of MTU 8V 4000 M70 engines, the yacht is good for a maximum speed of over 15 knots. You know, in case your late for a very important – or should we say very expensive – blind date….

By Jared Paul Stern

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Steven Spielberg Sets Sail on the Seven Seas

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Steven Spielberg was recently spotted in St. Barth’s and St. Maarten aboard his new toy, the 86-metre Oceanco superyacht Seven Seas. Featuring naval architecture by Azure and an interior design scheme by Nuvolari & Lenard, the impressive ship was launched by the Dutch shipbuilder a few months back and is a fitting vessel for the uber-director. Said to have cost about $200 million, the yacht features an infinity pool with a 15-ft. glass wall that doubles as a movie screen for viewing footage from the auteur’s latest creations. Stability systems allow it to travel smoothly at 20 knots.

The Seven Seas has accommodation and extensive amenities for 12 guests along with a crew of 26, including a private owner’s deck with a large separate master stateroom with a study and private deck area with a Jacuzzi. Walnut, teak and rosewood abound. Other luxury touches include a fully equipped Gymnasium, a spa and massage room and another, indoor cinema, sure to be popular with the movie stars hopping aboard for a cruise. The swimming pool’s also bottom doubles as a helipad when required – say when you’re needed on the set.

By James

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Hit the High Seas in World’s 6th Richest Man’s Megayacht

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Steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal is the world’s 6th richest man with an estimated fortune of $31.2 billion – so why does he need to rent out his megayacht? At about $1 million per week his 262-ft. Oceanco-built Amevi is one of the world’s most expensive yacht charters, barely trailing Steven Spielberg’s new toy. We guess the answer is if you can find someone to pay that much for a cruise it’s just good business sense – and you don’t get to be one of the world’s richest men by letting a good business opportunity go by. He frequently uses it himself, however; at last year’s Cannes Film Festival he entertained the likes of Jennifer Lopez on board.

The Amevi was recently spotted in Gibraltar but we’re not sure whether Mittal was aboard or one of his paying guests. Launched in 2007, the yacht offers luxury accommodation for up to 16 guests in 8 suites along with 22 crew. She’s one of the most relaxing vessels to travel on thanks to her state-of-art Rolls Royce “zero speed” retractable stabilizers. Luxury touches include a cinema, gymnasium, heated pool, massage room and hairdressing salon. Mittal’s master suite has a lobby leading to a private study, a changing room with makeup area and a private Jacuzzi.

By Jared Paul Stern

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Diddy’s VIP Cruiser RM Elegant for Sale

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Got an extra eight figures lying around? You can cruise like Sean “Diddy” Combs in the ultra-cool RM Elegant, the 72-metre megayacht that was the music mogul’s charter of choice until he latched onto the iPad-controlled Solemates. Built in Greece by the Lamda Shipyard in 2005 with a striking design of fluid lines, the yacht offers luxe accommodation for up to 30 guests in 15 cabins along with 30 crew. RM Elegant’s vast deck space includes a 12-person Jacuzzzi surrounded by an extensive sunbathing and entertaining area, which played host to producer Jerry Weintraub’s party for Ocean’s 13 at the Cannes Film Festival in 2007, attended by the likes of George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt.

The sun deck is accessed by a lift from all the guest decks and provides a double-sided bar as well as shower rooms. The yacht’s gracious saloons offer quiet unassuming elegance with a grand piano in the main entrance and home entertainment facilities in the second reception room. The Master Suite occupies the full width of the Bridge Deck with a large private saloon and spa bath. Other onboard amenities include a business center, home theatre, fully equipped gymnasium, beauty salon, sauna and massage room. The twin 2,260 hp CATs kick out a cruising speed of 15 knots and a maximum speed of 18 knots.

By James

Take a look at the best luxury real estate in Slovenia - Europe on: AC ESTATES

Spielberg Pulls Into Portofino on the Seven Seas

Last time we checked in on Steven Spielberg and his new $200 million megayacht Seven Seas, he was entertaining Leo DiCaprio in Cannes. Now the famed producer, wife Kate Capshaw and their brood have docked in Portofino, dominating the Italian Riviera resort’s harbour with their 86-metre Oceanco monolith. The Hollywood mogul caused a stir when he arrived via tender for a shopping excursion in the picturesque town, a favorite hangout of celebs like Madonna and Dolce & Gabbana; Kate Moss was recently spotted there as well. Other than that of course he has little reason to leave his floating palace.

The yacht’s key feature is an infinity pool with a 15-ft. glass wall that doubles as a movie screen. It has accommodation and extensive amenities for 12 guests along with a crew of 26, including a private owner’s deck with a large separate master stateroom with a study and private deck area with a Jacuzzi. Walnut, teak and rosewood abound. Other luxury touches include a fully equipped Gymnasium, a spa and massage room and another, indoor cinema. The swimming pool’s bottom also doubles as a helipad when required.

By Love Blomquist

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The Cannes Celebrity Yacht Roundup

The 64th Cannes Film Festival is in full swing and as usual much of the action is taking place in the luxe resort’s marina, which is chockablock with superyachts. Here’s a look at which boats were stuffed with boldface names:

Roman Abramovich’s Luna: Rock stars Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale made the scene on the oligarch’s yacht. Abramovich purchased he 377-ft. craft, the world’s largest expedition yacht, last year.

Len Blavatnik’s Odessa (above): Melanie Griffith, Antonio Banderas, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jane Fonda all celebrated aboard the Russian investor’s impressive vessel. The 164 ft. yacht was built by Proteksan-Turquoise in 2007.

Steven Spielberg’s Seven Seas: Leonardo DiCaprio visted the dapper producer / director aboard his new megayacht. Spielberg paid $200 million for the stylish 282-fotter from Dutch shipyard Oceanco.

Calvin Klein’s Vantage: The designer threw a party aboard the sleek 150-ft. ship where the likes of actor Owen Wilson put in an appearance. Klein doesn’t actually own the Palmer Johnson-built beauty but maybe he’ll buy it.

Pharrell Williams’ RM Elegant: The music and design mogul took over the stunning 236-ft. superyacht, long a favorite charter of P. Diddy’s. He even installed a floating music studio for the occasion.

By Jared Paul Stern

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Clash of the Titans: Abramovich and Allen’s Megayacht Mashup

The moguls gassed up their megayachts and made their way to the Cannes Film Festival the other day, and though there were no collisions it was a near thing for two of the world’s richest men, Roman Abramovich and Paul Allen. Off the coast of Antibes two of the world’s most impressive yachts passed, well, like ships in the night. Abramovich left the eye-popping Eclipse at home and proceeded to the festivities in the 377 ft. Luna (above), the world’s largest expedition yacht that he purchased last year. A while back he lent it to Madonna while she was filming her new movie.

Them along came the nearly identical-looking Octopus, Allen’s 414-ft. behemoth that once ranked as the world’s largest privately owned yacht. That was of course before the Eclipse was built, but this time at least Allen got the upper hand as the Octopus is a good 37 feet longer than the Luna. It needs it to hold all the billionaire’s toys including two helicopters, seven boats and a 10-man submarine, not to mention a music studio and a basketball court. While it’s not known whether either man was actually on board at the time, they both have multi-million dollar vacation homes in the area.

Take a look at the best luxury real estate in Slovenia - Europe on: AC ESTATES

By Jared Paul Stern

Wallypower 118, World’s Coolest Motoryacht, for Sale at $17.5 Million

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The Wallypower 118, the world’s coolest motoryacht as featured on Top Gear, has been listed for sale via Edmiston for about $17.5 million. The angular carbon composite and fiberglass rocketship with its distinctive black glass housing has been featured in every major yachting publication in the world. Built by Rodriquez Intermarine in 2002 the 36 metre superyacht has luxurious accommodation for six guests and six crew but it’s designed more for blasting through the waves than leisurely cruising.

The waterborne work of art from the Monesgasque shipyard underwent testing in the Ferrari Wind Tunnel Facility in Maranello, Italy if that gives you any indication of its prowess. Thanks to three Vericor TF50 gas turbines generating 5600 hp, each driving a Rolls-Royce Kamewa water jet, it has an eye-popping total power output of 16,800 hp. With a neck-snapping top speed of 60 knots it’s one of the fastest yachts in the world as well as the largest motoryacht in the Wally lineup. Extremely expensive to run thanks to its enormous engines, it requires an owner who doesn’t give a damn about pesky things like fuel bills.

By James

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Cakewalk, Largest Yacht Built in U.S. Since the ’30s, for Sale at $215 Million

The megayacht Cakewalk, at 281 ft. the largest luxury yacht built in the U.S. since J.P. Morgan’s Corsair IV in the 1930s and the most spacious ever for the States, has been listed for sale with Burgess at $215 million. The result of a collaboration between Derecktor shipyards, Azure Naval Architects of Holland, exterior designer Tim Heywood and interior designer Liz Dalton, Cakewalk, built for Denver-based investor Charles Gallagher, features a total of six decks, with the owners’ and guests’ accommodations representing half of that space, and a helipad and swimming platform aft.

All staterooms are located above deck, affording large, graceful windows, and boast spacious baths and one-touch amenity control systems. Located on the main deck, the elegant owner’s suite has impressive forward views and includes a spa, lounge, theater and gym. Ceilings in the recessed dining salon with seating for 16 are decorated with hand-painted canvases and exotic woods are incorporated throughout the stately craft. There is a games room located on the bridge deck, and above that the sun deck features a bar, loungers, sunshades and a whirlpool spa.

By James

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Kanye & Boris Makes Waves in Cannes

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Rap star and producer Kanye West and Boris Becker joined the superyacht set in Cannes the other day aboard the tennis ace’s chartered yacht Superfun. The 131 ft. yacht was originally built by Officine Meccaniche Rossato in 1993 and was given a modern makeover in 2004. While undeniably stylish, at under 150 ft. and “only” $120,000 a week Superfun is a bit of a loser in the Cannes superyacht sweepstakes. Even superannuated fashion freak Calvin Klein’s 150-ft. rent-a-yacht, the Palmer Johnson Vantage, is bigger and newer.

Of course when Kanye’s on board that’s pretty much all you need; while there he made time with Playboy model Shermine Shahrivar. Superfun has luxe accommodation for 10 guests along with a crew of 8 and alfresco dining space for 25 on the aft deck. Meanwhile Kanye made a splash in another flashy conveyance when he pulled up to an amFAR benefit in a $1 million-plus Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Stirling Moss. Want to get one for youself? You’re in luck: one of the 75 examples extant is listed for sale on James in Germany or you can buy a luxury villa in Slovenia ..

By James

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Oceanco Launches 85M Vibrant Curiosity


Dutch yachtbuilder Oceanco has grabbed a big piece of the superyacht market in recent years with the launch of such stunning craft as 207′s 82-metre Alfa Nero and last year’s €145 million, 75.5-metre Anastasia, built for a Russian oligarch, which starred in the 2008 Monaco Boat Show. Their newest and largest creation is the 85-metre Vibrant Curiosity, extolled as the pinnacle of Oceanco’s ability to “fuse complex engineering and luxury interior craftsmanship with modern and innovative exterior styling.” Let’s home some of those oligarchs saved their rubles.

The full-displacement superyacht features a flared bow and a 14.20-metre beam with exterior and interior design by the Italian team of Nuvolari & Lenard. In addition to her godawful name Vibrant Curiosity has a sleek exterior with a sporty three-bar steel stripe and a modern interior design which can best be described as a mixture of luxury and sobriety. The yacht can reach a maximum speed of 20 knots and has a cruising range exceeding 5,500 nautical miles at 14 knots. Her accommodations include a master stateroom, one VIP suite with his & her bathrooms, five double VIP suites and two double guest cabins. Serving up the caviar is a crew of 26 which equates to every guest being waited on hand and foot.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Need a Vacation? Buy an Island

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Are you looking for an oasis of calm in a world of turmoil? It’s true that you could snag a farm, a winery, even an African nature reserve on JamesList if you’re looking for a respite from the world. Real estate is just one of our specialities. But what if you have very specific tastes? What if you want to withdraw from the world and declare yourself a sovereign nation, replete with your very own monarchy, currency, and culture? If you buy an island, well, maybe you can.

There are sites–such as this one–where you can find an island anywhere in the world to call your own. True, you can’t plant your flag and declare it the nation of Youtopia, but you can still get unparalleled privacy and autonomy. Your very own island would provide you a welcome change of pace.

Some islands come undeveloped but most provide swank digs where luxury-minded individuals can kick back with a level of isolation unknown to most. True, you might have to go milk-less at breakfast when you run out as the nearest corner store is miles away, but it would be a small price to pay for the ultimate escape.

Is a private island right for you? You cannot actually declare yourself a sovereign nation, of course, without recognition of a significant portion of the world’s countries. But aside from annual property taxes, you’d be living like a king of your own small domain.

Where to find $320 million worth of farm

Whenever we cover real estate that has shown up on James, it’s usually some spectacular architectual exercise or a building with heavy historical connotations, like the Upper Eastside Manhattan townhouse that Eleanor Roosevelt spent her days as a widow in. For now, we’re settling with something far more discreet, if you will.

This property in Brazil’s South Western Mato Grosso region doesn’t really have much in the way of buildings. Apart from a slaughter house, a few sheds, five corrals, two airstrips and a governance building, there’s not a whole lot going on. Why are we telling you? Well, here the sticky: it’s friggin’ huge – over 312 square miles, roughly the size of the Netherlands Antilles or, if it helps, 1800 times the size of the Vatican City. Sotheby’s claiming you could squeeze around 50,000 cows in there, too.

The price? I think it might be a record – you’re looking at $320 million.

By Love Blomquist

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Naomi Campbell Sets Sail on Bleu de Nimes

Call it the summer of the sybaritic supermodels and their superyachts; in the wake of Kate Moss’ voyage aboard Sir Philip Green’s Lionchase, Naomi Campbell has been doing a bit of luxury yachting herself. Campbell and her Russian billionaire boyfriend Vladislav Doronin have been cruising the coast of Turkey in the Bleu de Nimes (above), an ultra-luxe 197-ft. explorer-style superyacht originally built by Clelands of England in 1980 and refitted in 2007. The charter is said to be costing the chic couple close to $300,000 per week. With beautiful wood paneling throughout and classic Asian-inspired décor rife with antiques, the yacht may look a bit dated from the outside, but the inside boasts an incredibly stylish and elegant interior of nearly 6,000 square feet.

She can accommodate up to 12 guests in 9 cabins including a massive master cabin with en suite his and hers bathroom, a study and dressing areas. A crew of 21 including two private chefs looks after the demanding supermodel’s every whim. While lacking a swimming pool, the vessel does have a fully-equipped gym where Campbell can maintain her legendary figure, while Doronin attends to business in the office / library. Boarding in Bodrum, the couple traveled to the seaside town of Datca and are exploring the Greek islands as well.

Mogul Gives Kate Moss Kid’s Yacht for Honeymoon Hijinks

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British Topshop mogul Sir Phillip Green has kindly let his pal Kate Moss have the use of his superyacht for her honeymoon with rock star Jamie Hince. But it seems Green and Moss, who used to have a business partnership, are not as chummy as they used to be – the yacht he lent her is basically the tender for his main vessel, one that he usually lets his kids stay on. Don’t get us wrong – Moss’ loaner the Lionchase, a 109-ft. Overmarine Mangusta built in 2008, has plenty of speed and style for the supermodel’s sojourn, but it pales beside the 207-ft. Benetti Sir Phillip sets sail on. Built in 2006 and dubbed Lionheart, the super-luxe yacht towers over the smaller craft (see above) and travels with twice as many guests and staff.

Of course Lionchase, which cost about $10 million, is much faster than the mothership; she can do an impressive 37 knots to Lionheart’s stately 16. That’s perhaps more useful when evading the paparazzi. Jennifer Lopez has also been spotted living it up on the Lionchase in the past. Moss has the use of the yacht in the Mediterranean for two weeks, along with a private chef, the London papers report. Want a Mangusta 108 of your own?

July 11, 2011, By James

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The World's Most Luxurious Private Landscapes

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Filed under: Estates, Garden, Books

The lush oases pictured in Luxury Private Gardens, the newest title in teNeues' brilliant Luxury Books series, veer between the pleasantly inspirational and oppressively beautiful. In other words, while looking at it made us want to rush outside and start planting things, it also made us despair of ever creating anything one tenth as attractive as the private paradises portrayed between its covers. Much better, we feel, to simply sit back, mix a drink, read the damned book and let someone else do the digging, pruning, weeding and whatnot. But we digress.

Even the most lavish gardens in these pages displaying "the highest standards of horticultural excellence" are founded on simplicity, the book assures us: "Stripped down to their bare essentials, they are like a well-cut couturier's gown - nothing but an utterly simple response to the unadorned landscape or the naked human body they are designed to fit." The incredible Villa d'Este in Lake Como, Italy (where part of Casino Royale was filmed) pictured on the cover, with its elegant, elaborate parterres doesn't exactly scream simplicity to us, but we could stare at it all day.

Jared Paul Stern

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$100 Million for a Second Home in California? A Russian Billionaire Just Bought One!

Yuri Milner $70 million home in Silicon Valley California

The Russian billionaire, Yuri Milner, has paid $100 million for a second home in California's Silicon Valley, in Los Altos Hills. According to the Wall Street Journal's Market Watch, March 30th, it is the highest known amount paid for a home in the United States.

This home is 25,500 square feet of living area, and was inspired by 18th-century French chateaux (see above). It has 25,000+ square feet of living space with five bedrooms, nine bathrooms, a central entry court, ballroom, home theater, wine cellar, spa/gym, a tennis court, car wash, swimming pool and formal gardens. The living areas are all located on the second floor to take advantage of the dramatic San Francisco Bay Bay view. It was designed by the prestigious Hablinski + Manion Architectural & Planning Group.

Mr. Milner's primary residence is in Moscow, where he lives with his wife and two daughters, but he is a frequent visitor to the high-tech enclave in northern California.

The 47-year-old Internet tycoon appeared on the cover of the most recent issue of Forbes magazine and has invested heavily in Facebook, Zynga and Groupon through his investment firm DST Global. His company is said to control about 10 percent, or $5 billion worth, of Facebook's shares. He also has had positive dealings with the Russian online company

The home was bought from another tycoon, Fred Chan, founder of ESS Technology, who has reportedly decided to live in Hawaii after building the Silicon Valley mansion.

Mr Milner reportedly made the transaction through a limited liability company called La Paloma Property. After years of relative market flatness, this sale has been seen as a sign that the market in high-end properties on the West Coast are becoming more, well, effervescent.

by Susan Kime

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Mr Incredible - GIORGIO ARMANI

28 July 2011

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GIORGIO ARMANI is 77 this month. Normally that sort of fact wouldn't constitute news, but a quick glance at the picture to the left will explain our surprise at the designer's incredible shape.

Armani stunned beach-goers on the Spanish island of Formentera yesterday as he stripped off to reveal a body most 40-year-olds would be delighted with. Wearing a pair of black swimming trunks and sunglasses of his own design, the designer relaxed and soaked up the sun on holiday with friends.

Lauren Milligan

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Giorgio Armani to Design for Lady Gaga

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Filed under: Celebrity Shopping, Celebrity Design

Giorgio Armani for Lady GagaLady Gaga is known for her 'love it or hate it' fashion sense and it seems that designer Giorgio Armani has stationed himself firmly on the 'love it' side and designed several outfits for just for her to use on stage during her current concert tour. Shown here is one of the creations, a sparkling structured bodysuit with plunging neckline and exaggerated shoulders, and others include a floor-length black trench and a mini-dress with dramatic mirror effects. All the outfits are made with matching shoes and sunglasses, also by Armani, who was quoted on Lady Gaga as saying "In addition to her formidable songwriting skills, she is a modern fashion phenomenon."

Source by Rigel Celeste

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Beckhams Borrow Clooney's Lake Como Villa

Filed under: Estates, Sports

George Clooney is quite a pal. According to Hello magazine, the movie star just lent his lavish $6 million villa on Italy's famed Lake Como (above) to soccer superstar David Beckham and his wife Victoria. Beckham, whose taste for the finer things in life has been often noted here, is being fought over by two soccer teams, the LA Galaxy and Italy's AC Milan. The Beckhams will take some relaxing time out at the villa while waiting to see the if LA Galaxy will release him from his contract and allow a transfer to AC Milan, the magazine reports. "George has really taken David under his wing since the transfer trouble started," they note.

The luxurious villa, which has played host to many of Clooney's superstar pals, is just half an hour away from the Beckhams' base in Milan. Clooney, 47, and Beckham, 33, became friends after being introduced by Giorgio Armani, (whose underwear ads the Beckhams star in), at the Met Ball in New York last May. Luxe Lake Como, where scenes from the last two James Bond movies were shot, has long been a favorite retreat for Italy's rich and famous and the international jetset. As we mentioned last month, the contents of late designer Gianni Versace's villa there are being auctioned off by Sotheby's in March.

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Did Abramovich Just Bag a Bacon for $37 Million at Sotheby's?

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Filed under: Auctions, Art, Wealth

Last month when we wrote about an important Francis Bacon triptych being auctioned off at Sotheby's, we predicted it would blast past its $14 million high estimate. And indeed on Thursday Three Studies for a Portrait of Lucian Freud (above) sold for a whopping $37 million, or more than two and a half times the top quote, at the auction house's Looking Closely sale of 20th century artworks in London. In our original post we also put forward Bacon-loving oligarch Roman Abramovich as the likely buyer, since he's in the midst of decorating his new $230 million mega-mansion in London; while Thursday's purchaser was anonymous, we bet the Freud triptych will be hanging on Abramovich's wall before long. The Thursday sale, from works said to have belonged to the low-profile Geneva collector George Kostalitz who died last year, also saw a new auction record for any surrealist work of art – Salvador Dali's Portrait de Paul Eluard, which sold for $21.6 million.

Jared Paul Stern

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