Wednesday 30 June 2010

Land use Business Planning, High ROI Opportunities - for sale (Cres Island - Croatia). - Price on Request

Ploject in CROATIA - real estate for sale !

Land aerea of 1.700.000 m2, close to sea, on Croatian Island Cres. The plot is in one piece. On the one side of the land area there is naturally Vransko Lake. On the land is located 12 ruined old houses, overlooking the sea.

Land offers a combination of eco-tourism (the possibility of construction/reconstruction of 12 villas near the Vransko Lake), agriculture (olive orchard) and Renewable Energy (wind, photovoltaics ... (1.50 MW/h per m2 per year - a figure for the island of Cres)).

Location: Europe - Croatia- Island Cres
Land size : 1.700.000 m²
Price: On request

For more information and with serious interest, contact:

AC ESTATES, Aljaž Čerček

M +386 31 605 685


Thursday 24 June 2010

Enkratna priložnost: 19 mio m2 gozda v Slavoniji na Hrvaškem - na prodaj !

Nepremičnina Hrvaška - gozd.

Prodamo visoko kvaliteten gozd primeren za sečnjo in prodajo lesa, biomaso, lov, turizem...
Po podatkih z dne 1.1.2009 je v gozdu cca 650.000 m3 lesa.

Struktura lesa je sledeča:
Hrast približno 50,5%
Bukev približno 24,2%
Gaber približno 20%
in razno (Lipa, Češnja, Jesen ...) cca 5,3%

Starost gozda je med 80-120 let.
Načrt za sečnjo do leta 2014 znaša cca 125.000 m3 lesa.

Gozd se razteza na povprečni nadmorski višini 135-260 m. To pomeni, da ni strmih in nedostopnih območjih. Gozd meri cca 5 kilometrov v širino in približno 6 km v dolžino.

V skladu z zakonom se lahko zemljišče večje kot 1.000 ha, uredijo v zasebno lovišče (turizem s spremljajočimi objekti).

Na zemljišču se nahaja tudi izvor pitne vode.

Lokacija: Slavonija - Hrvaška
Nadmorska višina: 135m -260m
Velikost: 19.000.000 m2
Cena: Po dogovoru

Za več informacij ter z resnim namenom kotaktirajte ali M +386 (0)31 605 685

AC ESTATES, Aljaž Čerček
M +386 (0)31 605 685

Poišči nepremičnino v Sloveniji ali na Hrvaškem tukaj !

Nice Forest of 19 mio m2, for sale & Timber wood Industry & Renewable Energy - Biomass & Hunting Tourism

Real estate Croatia - Forest

Nice Forest of 19 mio m2, for sale & High ROI Future Business Project

Nice Forest of 19 mio m2, for sale & High ROI Future Business Project
Timber woods cut 650.000 m3 ( wood timber 80 - 120 years old),
Biomass and Renewable Energy wood chips, business opportunity
Hunting tourism in the forest of 19.000.000 m2
Hunting Dogs training...

Altitude: 135m - 260m
Location: Slavonija - Croatia
Size: 19.000.000 m2
Price: On request

For more information and with serious interest, contact:

AC ESTATES, Aljaž Čerček

M +386 31 605 685

Nebotičnik v Celju ?

Nepremičnine Slovenija

Razkrivamo. Aleksander Jančar je od občine kupil zemljišče na dražbi in bo v kratkem spet gradil.

Izvedeli smo, da naj bi se Aleksander Jančar, eden izmed največjih celjskih nepremičninskih mogotcev, znova pripravljal na gradnjo.

Tokrat nebotičnika, ki naj bi stal tik ob vstopu v središče mesta, na zemljišču, ki je bilo do nedavnega v lasti Mestne občine Celje (MOC).

"Lahko potrdim, da sem zemljo res kupil od občine, in to na dražbi, vendar je projekt še v povojih," je potrdil Jančar.

Nenavadno in drugačno
Kot je dejal, si želi postaviti nekoliko drugačno stavbo, kakršne mesto še nima. Na vprašanje, ali naj bi to res bil nebotičnik, kot se govori, in koliko bo meril v višino, je Jančar dejal, da tega, kako visoka bo stavba, še ne ve.

"Odvisno, kako nam bo uspelo prepričati urbaniste. Objavili bomo natečaj in najbolj priznane arhitekte v Sloveniji pozvali, naj predlagajo rešitve, mi pa bomo izbrali najboljše in se posvetovali tudi s strokovnjaki," je razkril Jančar.

Pošteno plačilo
"Res je, da je občina Jančarju prodala okoli hektar veliko zemljišče za Maximalom. Zanj smo iztržili 275 evrov za kvadratni meter, kar je skoraj 14-krat več, kolikor je to zemljišče cenil sodni izvedenec v postopku prodaje Kina Dom," je dejal župan MOC Bojan Šrot in pristavil, da si je občina pridržala pravico, da bo na tem prostoru vse do začetka gradnje ostalo parkirišče, kot so Celjani vajeni.

"Pričakujem, da bo na tem območju zrasel lep sodoben objekt, ki bo imel tudi podzemno parkirno garažo. To smo postavili kot pogoj, čeprav se bodo zato pri gradnji pojavljale tudi težave," je povedal Šrot, ki gradnji nebotičnika ne nasprotuje, saj da je prostor predragocen, da ga investitor ne bi izkoristil.

Najdi nepremičnine v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem :

Vir: Ž, Mojca Marot

Monday 21 June 2010

Luxury Hotel in center of Ljubljana - Slovenia, for sale – Price on Request

Invest in Hotel in Ljubljana

The luxuriously equipped Hotel boasts a prime location at the very foot of the Ljubljana Castle Hill, offering spacious and bright accommodation.

Where is the hotel located ?

In our opinion – best location in city of Ljubljana. Hotel is located in old city center of town of Ljubljana, just by a castle and it is a premium location, where there is no more such buildings (supply is limited, especially if you consider big private park which belongs to hotel). Hotel is located in pedestrian zone. Hotel property surrounds big 500m2 garden (one of the biggest private gardens in old city center of Ljubljana) which overlooks the whole hotel, because hotel is on the hill just by the castle of Ljubljana. Garden is more close to the castle and therefore is overlooking entire hotel, and it is one of the biggest private gardens in center of old town of Ljubljana with its own way to castle hill and to castle itself.

When the hotel was build and did they make any renovation in the present time ?

We were building hotel during 2009 and made total renovation of all pipelines (Toilet and bathroom), electric lines, all new installations for gas – hotel was combined from 3 different houses which are joined together and we refurnished all installations, so they are all new. We also made new listing with authorities and its is already finalized, for which we have official paper, in which all previous flats in 3 houses is now changed under one property number in registrar of real estate. All three houses was joined together in a same style and totally refurnished and first 2 houses now in “classic style” and last house in “modern style”, but together they make one big property, which is complimented by one of the biggest private gardens in the old center of Ljubljana.

Is the hotel for sale with the management or only the property ?

We are interested to sale it with management, or without it. So both options are possible for us.

The property is surrounded by a charming garden which reaches up to the castle itself. Hotel features an inviting lounge area and is also associated with a nearby restaurant where hotel's guests can enjoy mouth-watering international and local cuisine. The central location of the Hotel makes it a great starting point to explore Ljubljana and its surroundings.

• Center Ljubljana
• Great location
• 20 min to Ljubljana airport

Renovation: 2009
Hotel Rooms/Suits: 12
Area: 748 m2
Land: 772m2
Price: On Request

For more information (Brochure) and with serious interest, contact:

AC ESTATES, Aljaž Čerček
M 386 31 605 685


How to purchase property in Slovenia


Since Slovenia joined the EU the property market is free of legal restrictions for the EU citizens. Due to this free movement of capital within the EU, British Citizens have equal rights to Slovene Citizens and therefore no longer require confirmation on reciprocity.

With the purchase of all property we recommend consultation with a local lawyer. A list of English-speaking lawyers is available on our embassy's website. You can sign power of attorney to your Lawyer to act on your behalf and to complete the transaction.

If you choose to buy a property, you will need to do the following:

  1. Submit a notarised copy of your passport
  2. Make an application for EMŠO (Slovene ID number)
  3. Obtain a Slovenian tax number from the district where the property was bought.
  4. Location and Land Registry and Searches, which usually only take about 2 days and are issued by the relevant branch of the Surveying and Mapping Authority (Geodetska Uprava) of the Republic of Slovenia.

Additional costs to purchasing property may include:

  • Legal Costs: usually you will be asked to pay a 10% deposit to secure the property, as a part of the preliminary contract. Other costs may include careful checking of contracts by an independent legal adviser.
  • Translation of documents (usually by a certified translator): including the contracts, details from the Land Registry, any management contracts and all insurance policies. If necessary, a court-appointed translator may need to be present at the completion of transactions.
  • Charges related to opening a bank account in Slovenia for any transactions, currency transfers and standing orders, such as, utilities management charges, etc.
  • Insurance: building and content insurance can be obtained at Slovenian insurance firms with policies in English. Note that policies are usually adequate for those who have bought a property for personal use only. If you plan to let your property (or part of your property), please consult the section below on the rules and regulations of Renting Your Property in Slovenia.


You may be liable to certain taxes in Slovenia when you buy, own or sell your property. Taxes for ownership of the property vary from region to region and may include, for example, tourist tax for non-residents and a local community tax. The VAT charges depend on the purpose of the property i.e. whether for private or commercial use (e.g.Hotel, rentals). Tax may also be payable when selling your property, depending on whether it is your main property and how long you have owned it.

To find out the tourist tax rate, you need to contact the local municipality. The tourist tax is based on a points system and therefore varies from region to region. The value (price) of points is determined and regulated for each region by the government once a year. The tax is calculated by multiplying the number of points by the value. Tourist tax includes a fee for overnight accommodation, as well as, certain services and facilities not charged for individually. Those liable for tourist tax are the Slovene citizens and foreigners using the service of overnight accommodation outside their permanent residence i.e. tourists, however, certain persons are exempt from paying tourist tax. Private and public corporations, self-employed individuals, individuals renting rooms and farmers, who receive tourists for overnight accommodation, must charge and collect the tourist tax with the payment of services. The tax collected is forwarded to the local municipality's bank account by a certain date each month, with a monthly report stating the number of services and the total tourist tax collected. For detailed information see section 19 and 20 of the Stimulation and Development of Tourism Act (Uradni list RS, st. 2/2004).

Community tax is charged for services and objects such as the use of public areas for organising exhibitions, advertising, parking, camping and other usage stated in section 9 of the Financing of Community Act (Uradni list RS, st. 123/06). Permission must be obtained from the local authorities for performing the listed services. The Community tax is also based on points system and differs from one region to another. The value of points is fixed once a year in January. Those liable for community tax are corporate bodies, self-employed independent contractors and individuals performing the activities or using the objects for which the tax has been fixed. Community tax is paid once a year to the Inland Revenue responsible for assessing, collecting, enforcing and supervising the community tax. Certain cultural, sport and humanitarian events and those organised in the interest of the public by associations based in the local community, as well as political campaigns, are exempt from the tax. Non payment of due community tax can result in sanctions and penalties.

Renting Your Property: room and apartment rental for tourist purposes

Renting of rooms and apartments for tourist purposes in Slovenia is classed as a business activity which, according to the Slovene legislation, can only be performed with appropriate registration. Individuals (room-renter), independent contractors or business companies can perform this type of activity.

Under the regulations specified in the Catering Act 93/2007, any such activity must be registered in the Slovenian Business Register. Room-rentals include persons who offer guest accommodation in owned or rented apartment or a holiday home. The granting of the permit for this type of activity depends on certain minimum technical standards that have to be ensured regarding rooms and equipment.


Registration can be made by email using the Slovene e-VEM system (for residents) or by post to AJPES (Agency of Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal records and Related Services), which has officially joined the European Business register. Further information can be obtained from any e-VEM points located at all administrative units, branches of AJPES and tax offices. EU citizens who have registered their activity do not need a work permit, however, performing activity without registration is considered a violation of Prevention of Illegal Work and Employment Act (12/2007).

Application form for Registration in the Slovene Business Register (Prijava za Vpis v Poslovni register Slovenije)

Tax Office Registration

Individuals resident, living or working in Slovenia should also register at the Tax Office, even when conducting an activity thorough their business registered in the United Kingdom. Contact between the Slovene Tax office and the UK tax authorities avoids the payment of dual taxation, according to the European tax legislation.

In the event of renting activity as described, and irrespective of the above tax duty reciprocity, individuals or companies performing the activity in Slovenia must pay the tourist tax.

Guests to be reported at the Police Station

All guests occupying rented property must be registered at the local Police Station. The owner of the rented property should forward to the police information regarding their temporary address, duration of stay and a copy of their ID. This is necessary for any future cases relating to damages or compensation.


If you are letting the property, you are advised to check carefully that your building and content insurance policy covers your liability to tenants.

Purchase property in Slovenia

Author: British Embassy Ljubljana (

Vila Urbana prednost udobja v centru Ljubljane

Nadstandardna lokacija, gradnja in visoka kultura bivanja ...

Z umestitvijo v neposredni center Ljubljane in hkrati zeleno okolje nadstandardni objekt Vila Urbana združuje vse prednosti prometne in mestne infrastrukture ter mirnega, zelenega okolja.

Pridih umetnosti in lepote Vili Urbani dajejo tudi unikatni mozaiki Marka Rupnika, ki se v glavnem in obeh stranskih hallih dvigujejo kar 24 metrov visoko.

Vila Urbana, projekt podjetja Kranjska investicijska družba , d. o. o., vsekakor ni povprečna. Od drugih se loči po nadstandardni lokaciji, gradnji in visoki kulturi bivanja, ki jo ponuja svojim stanovalcem in poslovnim uporabnikom. Njena posebnost je tudi velika energetska učinkovitost - v okviru projekta OPET Slovenija, ki ga med drugim podpirajo evropska komisija, ministrstvo za okolje in prostor , Agencija za učinkovito rabo energije in ministrstvo za gospodarstvo , se je objekt Vila Urbana uvrstil v razred energetsko najbolj varčnih gradenj.

Za tiste, ki vedo, kaj hočejo

Vila Urbana odgovarja na potrebe aktivnega posameznika, ki si želi funkcionalnega, estetskega in visokokakovostnega domovanja, hkrati pa potrebuje tudi mirno, zeleno okolje, ki mu omogoča sprostitev in telesno vadbo. Z umeščenostjo v center slovenske metropole, neposrednim dostopom do ljubljanske tržnice in prometne infrastrukture Vila Urbana ponuja takojšen dostop do mestnega utripa. Na drugi strani objekt obdaja visok drevored z neposredno bližino sprehajalnih poti in rekreativnih površin, zanemariti pa ne smemo niti edinstvenega razgleda na Ljubljanski grad.

Udobje in funkcionalnost

Prestižno lokacijo dopolnjujeta visokokakovostna gradnja in arhitektura, ki združujeta funkcionalnost s čutom za estetiko. Boris Podrecca, priznani arhitekt, ki ga nekateri imenujejo kar vizionar, je pri zasnovi stanovanjsko-poslovnega objekta upošteval potrebe aktivnega in zaposlenega posameznika.

Udobje bivanja je nadgradil s svojim nezmotljivim čutom za harmonijo barv, svetlobe in detajlov. Pridih umetnosti in lepote objektu med Ljubljanico in grajskim hribom podarjajo tudi unikatni mozaiki Marka Rupnika, ki se v glavnem in obeh stranskih hallih dvigujejo kar 24 metrov visoko.

Stanovanjski in poslovni prostori

Objekt Vila Urbana poleg stanovanjskega dela ponuja tudi poslovno središče, ki je namenjeno pisarniški in trgovski dejavnosti. V pritličju se razteza medicinski center na 1.200 kvadratnih metrih, na voljo pa je tudi posebna parkirna hiša za obiskovalce in zaposlene. Cena poslovnih prostorov je tri tisoč evrov za kvadratni meter, pri čemer so na voljo različne velikosti.

Udobje ponuja tudi stanovanjski del z 248 parkirnimi mesti. Na voljo sta dva tipa stanovanj v objektih Vila Urbana I in Vila Urbana II in Kapiteljski hiši, in sicer dvo- ali trisobna. Cena stanovanj se z vključenim DDV giblje od 286 tisoč evrov dalje, morebitni kupci pa lahko izbirajo med stanovanji velikosti 57 do 134 kvadratnih metrov.

Nadstandarden vile v Sloveniji ! tukaj


5 Top Tips - Buy overseas property safely

Buy property in SLOVENIA safely ...

Buying property is not a process to be rushed. You need time to research the market as a whole and your particular destination of choice. You should also spend time researching the companies in the market place – using the right professionals will save you time, money and stress. Investing time at the beginning of the process will save you time later.

Please see below 5 tips for buying property overseas safely, given to you by the AIPP. The AIPP is the independent industry body for international property.

  1. Independent lawyer
    • No matter what anybody tells you, no matter how easy it all seems and no matter how lovely the agent seems, ALWAYS use an independent lawyer to represent you throughout the purchase of your property overseas.
    • It is the lawyer’s job to protect you and inform you.
    • You will need to pay the lawyer a fee – accept that as part of your purchase costs. This is not an area in which to keep costs down.
    • The definition of ‘independent’ is that the lawyer represents you and only you.

  2. Do the numbers
    • Make sure you know your budget before you start looking at properties – this should include at least a provisional mortgage offer if you’re borrowing money.
    • Don’t then be tempted to buy more properties than you can afford (particularly on off-plan properties) hoping to sell the extra properties before completion unless you fully understand the risks as well as the rewards (see point 5).
    • If borrowing money, your repayments will stretch over several years, years in which lending criteria and borrowing costs may change. Discuss the long term repayment with a financial specialist before proceeding.

  3. Beware exchange rate movements
    • The rates do not need to move substantially to affect the value of your purchase. When you start looking, £100,000 may buy you a certain property – a 10% drop in the value of the £ against the Euro, for example, may then put that property out of your budget. If you’ve already signed contracts to buy, this could cause you a problem. Speak to specialists in this area and secure your rate of exchange early.
    • The rate fluctuations will also affect the costs of mortgages (if you raise the mortgage overseas and earn your income at home). Again, speak to a foreign exchange specialist to highlight the risks and to take appropriate action.

  4. Use professional agents and developers
    • There are few, if any, guarantees when buying property, at home or overseas. Using an independent lawyer (see point 1) significantly reduces the risks you take on an overseas property purchase and employing a professional agent or buying from a professional developer will also help you.
    • Ask lots of questions. 3 year old children are known for asking lots of questions (why? why? why?) and you should follow their lead when talking to agents about a purchase. Initially, focus questions on the company itself, not the properties for sale. Dig around for details on the founders of the company and the track record of the company. Ask for client testimonials (real ones) and make sure you find out in detail exactly what service they offer. Don’t just take their word for it – ask for details on their service in writing, preferably in the form of some type of ‘Terms of Business’.
    • For more details, order our free guide on buying overseas safely

  5. Remember the reward : risk ratio
    • If you are buying property overseas as an investment (as many people have done in recent years), you need to bear in mind that big returns may come with significant risks. Be careful to assess the possible downsides to an investment property as well as the enticing investment numbers that could be achieved if all goes to plan.

Take your time and follow these tips and there is no reason why you’ll be taking any more risk buying overseas than you do at home.

Find your property in Slovenia on

Author: AIPP (

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Gradili bi mestni hotel - Kranj

Na Prešernovi ulici naj bi uredili butično-apartmajski hotel.

V samem centru Kranja se obeta nov hotel. Stal naj bi v Prešernovi ulici, kjer naj bi investitor preuredil stavbo nekdanje banke.

"Naša namera o gradnji hotela v Kranju drži," je povedal Jacob Shpigel, direktor podjetja Bela vinoteka, in dodal, da načrtujejo preureditev obstoječe stavbe v 20 apartmajev, pozneje pa še zidavo povsem novega butičnega hotela s 30 sobami.

Izvrstno izhodišče
"Za Kranj smo se odločili zaradi bližine Letališča Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana, smučišča Krvavec in Bleda," je naštel Shpigel, ki meni, da je Kranj izvrstno izhodišče za izlete po vsej Sloveniji, všeč pa mu je tudi staro mestno jedro. "Imamo povezave s tujimi turističnimi operaterji, ki bi zagotavljali dovolj turistov skozi celo leto," je napovedal.

Začeli bi takoj, če ...
"Hotel bi lahko začeli uresničevati takoj, če bi nam to dopuščali prostorski načrti Mestne občine Kranj," je razkril Shpigel in dodal: "Ko bo gradnja dovoljena, bo končana hitro." Prepričan je, da bi novi mestni hotel s svojimi gosti popestril obisk ne samo Kranja, temveč tudi regije.

Najmanj leto in pol
Da predvidene spremembe na objektu po obstoječih prostorskih dokumentih za mestno jedro niso mogoče, je opozoril tudi kranjski podžupan Stane Štraus.

Povedal je, da imajo v mestnem jedru še veliko pobud, do katerih se želijo v prostorskih dokumentih opredeliti usklajeni, tako z lokalno skupnostjo kot tudi z zavodom za varstvo kulturne dediščine. Predvideva, da spremembe prej kot v letu in pol ne bodo sprejete.

Vir: Ž, Iztok Golob

Grajski kavarnar še v dvorec - Ljubljana

Filipov dvorec. Z izbiro kavarnarja so se na občini odrekli 144 tisoč evrom.

Poslovni prostor v Filipovem dvorcu je dobil novega najemnika – po zadnjem javnem razpisu so na Mestni občini Ljubljana (MOL) izbrali podjetje Bid, ki je bolj znano kot lastnik skupine Kaval Group.

Pogodbo za petletni najem bodo podpisali v treh tednih, najemnik pa bo imel nato šest mesecev časa za ureditev lokala. Bid je za najem 207 kvadratnih metrov velikega poslovnega prostora ponudil najemnino, enako izhodiščni v višini 5.587 evrov. Na MOL so ga izbrali, čeprav je ponudil skoraj 2.500 evrov manj najemnine kot Pekarna Blatnik, ki je ponudila največ – osem tisoč evrov na mesec. Nižjo najemnino od Bidove je ponudilo le avstrijsko podjetje; preostali izmed osmih ponudnikov s popolnimi ponudbami so ponudili več. Prijavili so se namreč še Stillmark, ki zastopa blagovni znamki L'Occitane in Le Palais Des Thés, O.T.B. z Založbo Sanje, Losan, Romeo plus in GDA.

Najemajo tudi na gradu

Bid so na MOL izbrali na ponovljenem javnem razpisu, potem ko so po predzadnjem sklenili, da zahtevam komisije programsko ne ustreza nihče izmed ponudnikov. Komisija odločitev sprejme enakovredno na podlagi ponujene najemnine in vsebine. Bid se po besedah solastnice Dade Jerovšek na prvi razpis ni prijavil.

Jerovškova je sicer povedala še, da bodo v Filipovem dvorcu uredili slaščičarno in kavarno, kjer bodo ponujali slaščice izpod rok slaščičarskega mojstra ter drobne prigrizke, poudarek pa bo na zdravih sestavinah. Meni, da so odločitvi komisije botrovale tudi reference podjetja. Skupina Kaval Group od MOL sicer najema Grajsko kavarno, prejšnji teden pa so na gradu odprli tudi lokal Goodlife v Skalni dvorani.

Vir: Ž, Manca Borko

Friday 4 June 2010

Cenejša Emonika bo stala do konca 2012 - Ljubljana

Nepremičnine - Investicije - Ljubljana

Projekt, ki naj bi ga začeli graditi konec leta, so s prvotnih 350 zaradi finančne krize skrčili na 280 milijonov evrov.

Ob predstavitvi idejne zasnove za novo ljubljansko železniško in avtobusno postajo je direktor Emonike Csaba Toth dejal, da pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja za kompleks Emonike pričakujejo že v letošnjem letu, tako da bi dela lahko končali konec leta 2012. Vrednost projekta, ki poleg avtobusne in železniške postaje predvideva še veliko nakupovalno središče, poslovno-stanovanjsko ter hotelsko stolpnico, so po Tothu zaradi finančne krize s predvidenih 350 znižali na 280 milijonov evrov.

Začetek in dokončanje gradnje Emonike so v istoimenskem podjetju v zadnjih letih že večkrat napovedali, tokratna napoved pa naj bi bila po besedah ljubljanskega podžupana Janeza KoželjaRoberta Potokarja, projektanta železniške postaje, za dokončne lokacije podpornih stebrov 100-metrske postajne dvorane, ki bo dvignjena nad tiri in bo Bežigrad povezovala s središčem mesta, povezana pa bo tudi z nakupovalnim središčem med obema komercialnima stolpnicama. vendarle prava, ker imajo sedaj vse strani - Emonika, Slovenske železnice in Mestna občina Ljubljana - na voljo vse podatke, ki jih potrebujejo za dokončanje projektov. V prvi vrsti gre po besedah

Lokacija nove avtobusne postaje, ki bo po besedah projektanta Roka Klanjška imela 36 peronov, je predvidena na Vilharjevi cesti, kjer je predvidena tudi preureditev križišča z Dunajsko cesto, tako da bi bilo mogoče tudi levo zavijanje. Kot je poudaril ljubljanski župan Zoran Janković, bo pomembna tudi širitev Trga OF in Masarykove ulice v štiripasovnico z vmesnim ločilnim pasom, ki bo z gradnjo mostu pri Cukrarni postala del dolgo napovedovanega notranjega cestnega obroča. "Ključna bo tudi širitev podvoza pri Zmaju, s čimer bomo dobili zmogljivo povezavo med severnim in južnim delom mesta," je še poudaril ljubljanski župan.

Sicer pa bo bistvena pridobitev območja ločitev potniškega železniškega prometa od tovornega, ki ga bodo z vso infrastrukturo po besedah generalnega direktorja Slovenskih železnic Gorana Brankoviča preselili v tovorno postajo Moste. Dolgoročno pa država vsaj za tovorni del predvideva poglobitev tirov v širšem središču Ljubljane, na mestni občini pa še vedno upajo, da se bo vlada odločila poglobiti tudi potniške proge.

Investicije v nepremičnine tukaj:

Vir: Dnevnik, Peter Pahor

Thursday 3 June 2010

How to buy property in Slovenia ?


Find suitable property for you

Much time and expense is wasted by making numerous trips to Slovenia before you actually know what and where would you like to buy. We aim to speed things up as much as possible by clearly understanding your needs from the outset and only presenting Real Estates which can be bought without too many problems.

Following accession to the EU in 2004, EU citizens may now buy Real Estate in Slovenia without restrictions. However, there are special procedures pertaining to the acquisition of agricultural land. Before purchasing Real Estate in Slovenia, the buyer should obtain a tax number (personal tax ID) and EMSO number (unique personal number - comparable to a social security number in UK) from the local authority where the Real Estate is located. This takes about ten days.

Select the Real Estate

With our assistance you will view Real Estate, obtain some basic information and documentation, and negotiate the general terms of the purchase. At this stage we will organize a survey, local land registry searches, and all necessary checks with the local authorities, as far as local planning and building regulations are concerned. (Real Estates matches the Land Registry definition, Real Estate was not built without planning permission , any work or extensions done, have received approval and have had the relevant taxes paid …)

Even if you find a particularly Real Estate, by yourself, hire a real estate agent. The status of Estate Agents is regulated by a new law (2003). Estate Agents must now be licensed and registered (Slovenian Real Estate agent register: here - our number 0072700749 ) . The quality of our work is now insured. On the average, our foreign clients are more experienced in real estate transactions, but they face a language barrier combined with different transaction procedure and tax legislation.

Sign the contract

In view of the fact that this is an unequivocal commitment to buy the Real Estate and pay the agreed price at the time of signature, it is vital to have acquired all the documentation and search reports necessary to complete the purchase, or, at the very least to have ascertained all legal and practical difficulties / problems, and agreed a timetable to sort them out before completion. Slovenian law requires all contracts relating to land or buildings to be in writing, signed by both parties.


The final stage relates to the completion formalities, tax office, local Notary. The notary places his seal on the documents, which are then submitted to the Land Registry Office to record the transfer of the property in the Land Book. Only the final paper from the Land Registry Office certifies that the property has been transferred from the previous owner to you.

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Slovenia Property - Where To Buy Real Estate In Slovenia?

Property in Slovenia - the best real estate buy in Slovenia ..

Perhaps you know it, but here it is again: Slovenia has been recently named one of the top ten destinations for property investment in the world. British Channel 4 has predicted more than 280% rise in property worth over the next ten years! It has never been better time to invest in Slovenian real estate than is now.

Even before deciding to buy property in Slovenia one needs to consider many things. First, one has to be clear why one wants to buy a property in Slovenia. It of course makes a difference whether it is a matter of pure investment or a one has a plan to live there anytime in the future. When deciding where to buy these considerations are naturally the most important.

So after you are clear on that, you can start considering different regions or towns in Slovenia and compare the situation with your needs. The capital Ljubljana is for most investors the most obvious place to buy property. This is because of the great investment potential which the city offers, although the prices are the highest there (be sure to compare the prices on the pages of real estate agents of course). Some investors are already taking advantage of growth rates of 30% and more per annum. Ljubljana real estate is in high demand which exceeds the limited supply. Moreover, rents in Ljubljana are also highest in the country.

After the capital, the coastal region of Primorska and the mountain district of Gorenjska are the next most expensive places to buy real estate in Slovenia. Both include some of the most visited tourist destinations (e.g. Bled and Bohinj in Gorenjska and Portoroz and Piran on the seacoast) which offer an opportunity of a solid rental income. Another good thing is that both regions are within an hour drive from Ljubljana.

But climatically, culturally and otherwise, these two are indeed quite different places. Gorenjska is snowy and usually very cold through the winter, full of favorite Slovenian ski destinations. The coast, on the other hand, is a typical Mediterranean area with almost no snow and of course a natural choice for summer holidays for many. People of Gorenjska are regarded to be a bit more closed to themselves, whereas people from the Coast are open (to make it oversimplified, but you get a feeling of this when you experience people there in an everyday life).

There are quite different and less busy parts of Slovenia on the eastern and south-eastern side of Ljubljana, in the regions like Stajerska, Pomurje, Dolenjska and Notranjska. The prices of real estate in these regions are lower, sometimes considerably. On the other hand, apart from the cities like Maribor or Celje (2nd and 3rd largest after Ljubljana), these regions do not have so high rent prices and also the demand (for renting at least) is not as great as in and near Ljubljana. Yet, buying a home in one of these areas has several other advantages than just a lower price. Tempo of living is not at such a stressful level as in Ljubljana, tourism is much lower (if present at all) and people are frequently described as more friendly in these regions (although Slovenians are highly friendly in general).

A decision on where to buy property in Slovenia has to be governed by the clear picture of what you actually want. So dependant on your preferences you really have several options.

Best Slovenia property you can find:

Author, Gorazd Andrejc

Za nakup nekdanje Vinove upravne stavbe še ni zanimanja

Nepremičnine - Investicije

Med glavne prednosti objekta sodita razmeroma nizka odkupna cena in privlačna lokacija

Brežice - Na severnem obrobju Brežic že poldrugo leto sameva 1998. leta zgrajena nekdanja upravna stavba danes ravno tako že nekdanjega podjetja Vino Brežice, katerega proizvodni prostori in oprema bodo jutri predmet dražbe na krškem okrožnem sodišču. Ob velikih likvidnostnih težavah in zadolženosti Vina je stavba pred tremi leti prešla v last upnice SKB banke, ta pa jo vse do danes kljub nekaj poskusom še ni uspela prodati.

"Gre za razmeroma sodoben objekt z uporabnim dovoljenjem, kar ponuja možnost takojšnje uporabe. Na 3500 kvadratnih metrov obsegajoči parceli v treh etažah premore 1300 kvadratnih metrov površin in približno 80 parkirnih mest. Zaradi svoje zelo dostopne lokacije si gotovo zasluži boljšo usodo od sedanje, ko je že skoraj poldrugo leto neobljudena," pravi predstavnik SKB banke Srečko Koritnik. Po njegovem je prednost objekta tudi ta, da ga ne veže breme hipotek, kot nekateri zaradi usode Vina zmotno mislijo. Koritnik je prepričan, da bi občina Brežice z nakupom te stavbe za potrebe fakultete za turizem v ustanavljanju naredila boljšo potezo kot z nameravano adaptacijo stavbe nekdanje SDK sredi Brežic, vendar se župan Ivan Molan z njegovim razmišljanjem ne strinja. "Objekt za fakulteto za turizem že imamo, do njega pa nismo prišli z nakupom, temveč z menjavo, kar je bilo za nas posebno ugodno. Poleg tega želimo z ustanovitvijo te fakultete v starem mestnem jedru temu delu mesta vdahniti novo življenje," odgovarja Molan. Notranje prostore nekdanje Vinove upravne stavbe je zaradi modularne gradnje mogoče po želji spreminjati, kar po Koritnikovih besedah predstavlja veliko prednost. Nekoliko slabšo podobo kaže le fasada, na kateri se zaradi prestane pretekle zime, ko objekt ni bil ogrevan, že kažejo znaki zanemarjenosti. Po sedanjih izračunih bi njena obnova stala približno 25.000 evrov, kar morebitne kupce, tako Koritnik, ne bi smelo odgnati. Zlasti ne zato, ker se da v obnovo vključiti tudi energetsko sanacijo, za katero je mogoče pridobiti tudi državno subvencijo. Nenazadnje je zadosti privlačna že sama cena kvadratnega metra objekta, ki ne bi presegal 900 evrov, kar je neprimerno manj kot pri novogradnjah.

Cena celotnega objekta bi torej bila približno 1,2 milijona evrov, v sosednjem Krškem pa ta čas načrtujejo gradnjo nove upravne stavbe podjetja Gen energija ter novih prostorov fakultete za energetiko. Gradnja prve bi po naših informacijah stala 2 milijona, gradnja druge pa 12 milijonov evrov.

Nepremičninske investicije - projekti tukaj:

Avtor: Ernest Sečen, Vir:

Durs gre nad najemodajalce stanovanj

Nepremičnine - Stanovanja - Davki

Večje število zavezancev ne plačuje davka iz oddajanja premoženja, zato bodo dacarji poostrili nadzor. Možnost samoprijave.

Davčna uprava RS (Durs) bo začel s poostrenim nadziranjem plačevanja davščin na področju davka od premoženja in dohodkih iz oddajanja premoženja v najem. »Pridobili smo pomembne podatke o lastništvu nepremičnin, iz katerih izhaja, da ima večje število zavezancev v lasti stavbe oziroma dele stavb, za katere ne plačujejo vseh predpisanih dajatev,« pravijo na davčni upravi. Zavezance pozivajo, naj predložijo davčne napovedi v obliki samoprijave. V nasprotnem primeru jih lahko čakajo globe.

Možna samoprijava

Ker je rok za oddajo napovedi potekel, zavezancem Durs svetuje, da napoved oddajo v obliki samoprijave. Ta je možna do izdaje odmerne odločbe, do začetka davčnega inšpekcijskega nadzora ali do začetka postopka o prekršku oziroma kazenskega postopka.

Globe od 200 do 1.200 evrov

Če zavezanec ne vloži davčne napovedi ali ne vloži davčne napovedi v roku, je za tako ravnanje predvidena globa od 200 do 400 evrov. Z globo od 400 do 1.200 evrov pa se kaznuje za prekršek posameznik, če v davčni napovedi navede neresnične ali nepravilne ali nepopolne podatke.

Najdite Luksuzno Nepremičnino za vas tukaj:

Vir: Finance, Gospodarstvo, Jurij Šimac

Niste prijavili zaslužkov od najemnin?

Nepremičnine - Davki

Samoprijavite se, svetuje davčna uprava vsem tistim, ki so ji "pozabili" napovedati dohodke od najemnin ali plačati davek od premoženja.

Davčni upravi smo Slovenci za leto 2009 oddali 51.735 napovedi za odmero davka od oddajanja premoženja v najem, leto pred tem je prejela 61.565 napovedi, še leto prej 57.898 napovedi. Podatki iz popisa nepremičnin, ki ga je opravila geodetska uprava, pa pričajo, da ima dve ali več stanovanj ali poslovnih prostorov 344 tisoč posameznikov, pri čemer garaže in kmetijska poslopja niso všteta. Ko je podatke o lastništvu primerjala z napovedmi, je davčna uprava ocenila, da večje število lastnikov ne plačuje vseh predpisanih dajatev.

Zato je včeraj pozvala vse tiste Slovence, ki so "pozabili" plačati davek od premoženja in zaslužkov od najemnin, naj se samoprijavijo. Po domače povedano, oddajo naj napovedi, jih jasno označijo kot samoprijavo, sicer lahko pričakujejo, da jim bo davčna uprava zaračunala predpisane globe in začela davčni postopek za ugotavljanje dejanskega stanja, ki mu bo sledila odločba, s katero jim bodo odmerili davek.

Davčna uprava je tako v prvih dneh junija le izpolnila napoved, da bo letos vzela natančneje pod drobnogled prav plačevanje davka od premoženja in oddajanja premoženja v najem. V sporočilo za javnost so zapisali, da so pridobili in analizirali podatke iz različnih evidenc in iz njih pripravili "prečiščen seznam tistih zavezancev, ki svojih obveznosti najverjetneje ne izpolnjujejo". Vsem zavezancem, ki svojih omenjenih dohodkov za lansko leto niso napovedali, zato svetujejo, da nemudoma oddajo davčne napovedi. Če se bodo samoprijavili, bodo - če bodo seveda to storili, preden jih bodo tako ali drugače pocukali za rokav kar davkarji sami - prihranili od 200 do 400 evrov globe, ker napovedi niso vložili pravočasno. Ob tem so v davčni upravi zavezance spomnili še na kazen za prekršek, ki znaša od 400 do 1200 evrov, če bi v napoved zapisali neresnične, nepravilne ali nepopolne podatke.

Če bi se pozabili samoprijaviti, lahko zavezanci, ki niso napovedali dohodkov iz najemnin, poleg globe pričakujejo tudi odločbo, ki jo bo davčna uprava izdala na podlagi primerljivih podatkov iz napovedi, ki jih je prejela z območja, na katerem bodo nepremičnino obdavčevali. Če zavezanec ne bo samoprijavil davka od premoženja, pa ga čaka poleg globe še davčni postopek, v katerem bodo davkarji ugotovili dejansko stanje in izdali odločbo.

Po vsaj tri stanovanja ima 52 tisoč Slovencev

Dve ali več stanovanj ima 222 tisoč Slovencev, med njimi je 52 tisoč takšnih, ki imajo v lasti tri ali več stanovanj. Enega ali več poslovnih prostorov ima 207 tisoč Slovencev.

Nepremičnine tukaj:
Vir: Večer, Jelka Zupančič

Davčna uprava poostreno nad oddajanje nepremičnin na črno

Nepremičnine - Davki

Če se bo najemodajalec pravočasno prijavil sam, mu ne bo treba plačati globe, ki znaša največ 1200 evrov.

K samoprijavi poziva Davčna uprava RS (Durs) vse tiste, ki na črno oddajajo svoje nepremičnine v najem. Če bodo najemodajalci sami sporočili, kolikšni so njihovi dohodki od premoženja in oddajanja tega v najem, bodo zaradi zamujenega roka morali doplačati zgolj pripadajoče obresti. Če pa bo poostren nadzor, ki ga ta čas izvajajo inšpektorji na terenu, razkril neprijavljeno oddajanje v najem, bo moral lastnik nepremičnine plačati globo v višini od 200 do 1200 evrov.

Prijavljena samo dobra polovica najemniških stanovanj

Lani je dohodke od nepremičnega premoženja Dursu prijavilo 35.548 oseb, kar je približno tri tisoč oseb več kot v letu 2008. Davkariji so prijavili za 45,8 milijona evrov prihodkov, za kar so plačali 6,9 milijona evrov davka. O tem, koliko je še neprijavljenih prihodkov, na Dursu nimajo narejenih analiz. Možno pa je domnevati, da ta znesek znaša več deset milijonov evrov. Iz statistik geodetske uprave, ki je opravila popis nepremičnin, namreč izhaja, da se v Sloveniji oddaja v najem blizu 60.000 stanovanj. Dejstvo je tudi, da ima po podatkih geodetske uprave 344.000 fizičnih oseb v lasti dve ali več stanovanj ali poslovnih prostorov, od tega je 52.000 takšnih, ki imajo v lasti 3 ali več stanovanj.

"Pridobili smo pomembne podatke o lastništvu nepremičnin, iz katerih izhaja, da ima večje število zavezancev v lasti stavbe oziroma dele stavb, za katere ne plačujejo vseh predpisanih dajatev," so se "pohvalili" na Dursu. Ker je rok za prijavo napovedi že potekel, vse davčne zavezance pozivajo, naj predložijo davčne napovedi v obliki samoprijave.

Na kuverto napisati "samoprijava"

Samoprijava je možna do izdaje odločbe, do začetka davčnega inšpekcijskega nadzora ali do začetka postopka o prekršku oziroma kazenskega postopka. Samoprijava pomeni, da zavezanec na izpolnjeno napoved na vidno mesto napiše "samoprijava". Napoved za odmero davka od premoženja mora davčni zavezanec vložiti pri davčnem organu, kjer nepremičnina leži. Če ima zavezanec več nepremičnin na področju različnih davčnih uradov, lahko odda napoved tam, kjer ima prijavljeno stalno prebivališče. Kršitelju, ki ni pravočasno vložil davčne napovedi, bo Durs zaračunal globo v višini od 200 do 400 evrov. Z globo od 400 do 1200 evrov pa bo kaznoval tistega, ki je v davčni napovedi navedel neresnične ali nepravilne ali nepopolne podatke. "Zavezancem bo v primeru dohodka iz oddajanja premoženja v najem poleg izrečene globe izdana tudi odločba na podlagi primerljivih podatkov iz napovedi z območja, za katero se obdavčuje nepremičnina. V primeru davka od premoženja pa bo davčni organ poleg globe po uradni dolžnosti vodil davčni postopek, ugotovil dejansko stanje in izdal odmerno odločbo," so še sporočili z Dursa. Če pa bo najemodajalec oddal napoved na podlagi samoprijave, mu Durs ne bo zaračunal globe, moral pa bo, kot rečeno, plačati zamudne obresti.

Pri plačilu davka iz naslova dajanja premoženja v najem Durs upošteva celotne dohodke iz najemnine, od katere odštejejo 40 odstotkov normiranih stroškov. Od tako ugotovljene najemnine mora zavezanec plačati 25-odstotni davek.

"Najemnikom je vseeno"

Davčna uprava že nekaj časa zaostruje nadzor nad dajanjem nepremičnin v najem. Lani so opravili 776 inšpekcijskih nadzorov, kar je približno 200 nadzorov več kot v letu 2008, in ugotovili za 4,8 milijona evrov davčnih obveznosti. A to nadziranje najemodajalcev očitno ne gane preveč. "Stanovanje je od starejše znanke, jaz zanjo zgolj iščem najemnike in z njimi napišem pogodbo," nam je zatrjeval moški, ki je na spletnem "bolšjaku" objavil oglas za oddajanje stanovanja v Mariboru. Ali lastnica služenje najemnine prijavi davkariji, pa mu ni znano. "Jaz vsakega najemnika zmeraj vprašam, ali želi biti prijavljen in mi vsak reče, da ne," nam je dejal neki drugi Mariborčan. Koliko davka bi moral plačati, če bi prijavil ta prihodek, in kolikšna je globa, če ga bi davkarija zalotila pri oddajanju v najem na črno, mu ni znano. "Mislim, da ne gre za neki visoki znesek," je domneval. "Mi oddajamo stanovanje že tri leta in vedno plačujemo 25-odstotni davek," pa nam je odvrnila gospa, ki na Obali oddaja trisobno stanovanje. Zaradi tega je najemnina seveda nekoliko višja, a se najemniki po njenih besedah zaradi tega doslej niso nič pritoževali.

Nadstandardne Nepremičnine poiščite tukaj:

Vir: Dnevnik, Tomaž Klipšteter

Spet se napoveduje gradnja Emonike


Zaradi gospodarskih razmer Emonika nekoliko okleščena, a naj bi bila končana leta 2012.

Projekt potniškega centra Ljubljana s 107-metrsko stolpnico Emoniko se po poldrugem letu mirovanja spet premika. Skromnejša bosta javni in komercialni del, skupna vrednost projekta pa naj bi bila petino nižja.

Po načrtih iz leta 2007 bi morala letos na križišču Dunajske in Trga OF že stati najvišja stolpnica v Ljubljani s 27 nadstropji. Konec leta 2008 je bila gradnja zaradi krize odložena oziroma upočasnjena, zdaj pa se obuja. Po zadnjih napovedih investitorja, madžarskega Trigranita oziroma njegovega hčerinskega podjetja Emonika , naj bi bila gradnja komercialnega (stolpnice in trgovskega centra) in javnega dela (železniške in avtobusne postaje) končana leta 2012. Emonika namerava jeseni zaprositi za gradbeno dovoljenje, maja pa je vložila že peto dopolnitev vloge za okoljevarstveno soglasje na okoljsko ministrstvo.

Emonika zmanjšala trgovski center

Mateja Nacevski, direktorica trženja v Emoniki, pravi, da je za investitorja pri pospešenem nadaljevanju projekta najpomembnejši dogovor z direktorjem Slovenskih železnic Goranom Brankovičem o lokaciji podpornih stebrov, ki ne bodo ovirali železniških tirov in bodo omogočali poznejšo morebitno prestavitev železnice pod zemljo.

Večjih sprememb projekta, popravljenega od lani poleti, ne napoveduje. Zaradi gospodarskih razmer bo Trigranit zgradil manjši trgovski center, dodaja Mateja Nacevski. Ni pa odgovorila na vprašanje, ali bosta manjša tudi stanovanjski del in hotel ob Vilharjevi. Tudi skupne vrednosti projekta še ne pozna, ker projekti še niso pripravljeni. Okvirno po novem celotna naložba ne bo presegala 300 milijonov evrov, medtem ko je bila konec leta 2008 ocenjena vrednost 350 milijonov.

Načrtovane tudi pozabljene kolesarnice

Javni del bo zgrajen sočasno s komercialnim, saj župan Ljubljane Zoran Janković zagotavlja, da občina ne bo spremenila pred letom sprejetega zazidalnega načrta. Največji prihranek na javnem delu bo prinesla opuščena ozelenjena terasa s fontano na strehi. Potniška dvorana ne bo v prvi kletni etaži, kot je bilo načrtovano sprva, ampak v prvi etaži nad zdajšnjimi tiri. Po zadnji različici naj bi bile pod stopnišči načrtovane kolesarnice, na katere so v prvotnem načrtu pozabili. Avtobusna postaja s 36 peroni bo po novem na Vilharjevi, in ne več na Trgu OF. Natančna prometna ureditev okolice potniškega centra pa še ni znana.

Investicije tukaj:

Vir: Finance, Nepremičnine, Jaka Elikan

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Best Slovenia Property - For Investment and Pleasure

Elite property Slovenia or. Investment Property Slovenia

If you are looking for the best property to invest in for capital gains or pleasure, Slovenia has much to offer. In this article we look at the advantages of buying property in Slovenia...

Slovenia is a small country (about the size of Switzerland) and has borders with Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Italy. The country is one of the newest members of the European Economic Union and is strategically placed at the very heart of Europe. The country has a well trained workforce and one of the best performing economies of the new member states. The country has a young dynamic workforce, good infrastructure and with the arrival of cheap budget airlines, more people are visiting than ever before, as the tourism industry expands.

The country has numerous attractions including:

Soaring mountain ranges, rolling hills, beautiful alpine valleys, mighty rivers, beautiful lakes, historic and cosmopolitan towns and a beautiful stretch of unspoilt coastline. Many people buy skiing property, as it's more competitive in price than its nearby neighbours of Austria and Italy. An additional advantage is you can ski in all three countries on just one pass. There is much more to Slovenia, than just skiing though and there are many other properties to buy in diverse areas.

Property prices in the Ljubljana the capital have good long term growth prospects, as more people discover this delightful city which has been described as a less crowded and more intimate version of Prague. The second city of Maribor is also popular and the little known sea port of Piran, which lies just across the Adriatic from Venice, is a overseas buyers favourite.

For those wanting other outdoor pursuits other than skiing, Slovenia and popular places to buy include near the picturesque lakes of Bled and Bohinj and in the Soca valley. Whatever type of property you want, Slovenia can offer you a variety of real estate, from property in lively and historic towns, to get it away from it all retreats in unspoilt countryside.

There are many Slovenian estate agents which specialize in helping overseas buyers. These estate agents can help you find the property which is just right for you, in terms of budget and investment aims. With finance options available and a law which protects both buyers and sellers, Slovenia will continue to see overseas buyers come to and buy property in Slovenia.

Luxury Slovenia Property find here:

Slovenia Real Estate - Consider Property Investment in Slovenia for Big Capital Gains

Imagine a country of alpine peaks, rolling hills, beautiful coastline, valleys dotted with vineyards, strong flowing rivers and waterfalls – It could be California but its not - its one Europe’s undiscovered investment hot spots which was recently voted one of the top 10 investment countries.

Slovenia real estate is hot and savvy investors are snapping up bargains and making big capital gains.

So where exactly is Slovenia?

Many people have not heard of Slovenia and many get it confused with Slovania!

It’s just to the east of the Trieste region of Northern Italy and a day trip from Venice.

It also has borders with Hungary, Austria and Croatia.

It’s a small, compact country about half the size of Switzerland and its got a booming economy and this is increasing Slovenia real estate values.

Why is Slovenia Real Estate Rising In Value?

There are two major reasons:

The first is, the economy is expanding.

Slovenia joined the European Union in 2004 and now has the highest growth rate of any of the new member states.

Slovenia recently adopted the euro as its currency and investment from other member states is rising - this combined with solid goverment economic policies, is seeing economic growth running at about 5% per annum.


This economic growth is seeing a rise in tourism and the government is actively promoting the country abroad and with the recent arrival of budget airlines and cheap flights, tourist numbers are on the rise and will continue to rise.

These two factors are driving Slovenia real estate prices higher, as there is a lack of affordable property in many of the urban areas such as the capital Ljubljana.

This also applies to many of the major holiday resort areas of the country, such as:

The Soca Valley Promoska, Bled, Bohinj and Kranska Gora – to name just a few.

Forecast Growth

At present in many areas real estate prices are rising at a rate of up to 30% per annum.

A recent real estate survey has estimated that prices could rise by as much 300% in the next 10 years.

Ljubljana Real Estate

The potential for real estate prices can be seen if we take a look at the capital Ljubljana.

This medieval city is beautiful and has been likened to a smaller and less crowded version of Prague.

Ljubljana real estate is cheaper but is catching up, as a lack of quality housing and strict planning regulations force prices higher.

Capital gains or Income?

Of course, there are many other destinations to look at and they cater for all tastes and all budgets.

The piece of Slovenia real estate you choose is up to you - you can go for a holiday home, capital gains, income or a mixture of all three.

You can buy Slovenia real estate on its beautiful Adriatic coast, in the lively historic towns, near alpine ski resorts in the magnificent Julian Alps, by lakes or rivers, or buy a retreat on one of the many beautiful Alpine forests that cover large swathes of this beautiful country.

Don’t forget its great position!

Slovenia has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty within its own borders, but don’t forget your close to such great towns as:

Prague, Budapest and Venice and if you are a skier, you can ski in three countries on one pass Slovenia, Austria and Italy.

Buying Is Easy

Buying is easy and the process is designed to protect both the buyer and the seller.

Ownership is transparent and finance is available locally.

There are many Slovenian estate agents that cater for overseas buyers, to help them buy a property that suits their investment aims and their budget.

Risk to Reward

The risk to reward of buying Slovenian real estate is good – the property boom is in its infancy and the price outlook for the future looks solid due to - Slovenia’s stability, economic performance and expanding tourist industry.

Slovenia real estate is a good long term investment, that’s still affordable and if you are considering an investment in overseas property, then Slovenia real estate is well worth your consideration.

Search for Slovenian Property here:

Author :

Best International Property Investment Destination – Slovenia

Best International Property Investment Destination – Slovenia

If you are looking for the best international property destinations one destination that is well worth considering is Slovenia which has recently been voted one of the top ten investment destinations in the world. This article will look at the advantages of Slovenia property investment. The forecast growth for Slovenia property for sale over the next ten years has been put at 284% by well known UK Property progr [...]
If you are looking for the best international property destinations one destination that is well worth considering is Slovenia which has recently been voted one of the top ten investment destinations in the world. This article will look at the advantages of Slovenia property investment. The forecast growth for Slovenia property for sale over the next ten years has been put at 284% by well known UK Property programme a place in the sun.

So why has Slovenia become one of the top investment property destinations?
Investment and EU membership Slovenia is strategically located at the centre of Europe, between the old established economies of the west and the new emerging economies of the east and Slovenia has borders with Italy, Hungary, Austria and Croatia. Slovenia has benefited from recent membership of the European Economic Union which it joined in 2004 and Slovenia has quickly achieved the fastest economic growth of any of the new member states. Member ship of the EU has accelerated a property boom as EU funds and private capital has been invested in the country. This investment and sound Government economic policies, have seen higher disposable incomes which has led to increased demand for quality property.
The Slovenian Economic boom is likely to continue and property prices still have room to move on the upside. Slovenia property for sale should continue to be attractive for a number of reasons.
1. Economic Growth Looks set to continue and this is of course is the driving force behind any property boom.

2. Tourism Slovenia is a small country about the size of Switzerland but has many attractions including: Soaring mountain ranges, fairytale alpine forests, alleys, rivers and waterfalls and finally, historic and beautiful towns. More people than ever before are visiting Slovenia as the Government invests heavily in promoting its attractions and budget airlines are making it more affordable to visit than ever before. This growth in tourism increases the need for quality housing and allows investors not only to seek capital gains but also earn valuable rental income.

3. Ease of purchase
There are plenty of Slovenia estate agents that specialize in helping overseas property investors buy property and the buying process is straightforward and designed to help both buyers and sellers. Finance options are also available locally and are secured on the Slovenian property you purchase - not your principle residence. A Great Long Term Investment If you add up all the facts Slovenia is an attractive option for overseas buyers. You have competitively priced property, supply exceeding demand, an economic and tourist boom and the country is safe and stable with property laws that help protect buyers. If you are considering international property investment consider Slovenia property investment and the advantages it offers.

Search for Slovenian Property here:

Author: ( )

Foreign investment regime - Slovenia

Residents and non-residents

Slovenian legislation does not distinguish between foreign and domestic investors, but
between residents and non-residents. The Foreign Exchange Act defines residents as:
− companies and other legal persons with their seats registered in Slovenia, with the
exception of their branches in other countries that perform profitable business;
− branches of foreign companies registered in Slovenia if they are engaged in profitable
− individual entrepreneurs and natural persons who run their own business and have
their seat or permanent residence in Slovenia;
− natural persons with a permanent residence in Slovenia;
− natural persons with a temporary residence in Slovenia based on a permit valid for a
minimum of 6 months, with the exception of foreign nationals employed in diplomatic
and consular missions in Slovenia and members of their families; and
− Slovenian diplomatic, consular and other representations abroad financed from the
national budget, Slovenian nationals employed in such representations, and members
of their families.
All other persons are considered to be non-residents.

The principle of national treatment

The treatment of foreign companies and entrepreneurs in Slovenia is regulated by the
Companies Act in a chapter on foreign undertakings.
A foreign undertaking is defined as a natural or legal person that performs a profitable activity
in Slovenia and has their residence or place of business abroad.
The Companies Act stipulates that, as a principle, with regard to its rights, obligations and
responsibilities, a foreign undertaking is equated with domestic undertakings or entrepreneurs
with registered office in Slovenia in respect of business conduct in Slovenia, unless otherwise
provided by applicable legislation.
Foreign undertakings must conduct their business activities through a branch registered in
Slovenia. There are no longer any legal restrictions on registering branches since the legal
requirement that undertakings from non-EEA countries may only establish a branch in
Slovenia after being registered in their own country for at least two years was abolished in
June 2009.

The protection of foreign investors

Slovenia accepts the principles of the OECD Draft Convention on the Protection of Foreign
Property of 1967. The repatriation of capital and transfer of profits are free after the payment
of tax duties and other obligations. Expropriation, nationalisation or any other measure with
an equivalent effect is prohibited except for public purposes, on a non-discriminatory basis,
under due process of law and in exchange for prompt, adequate and effective compensation.

Sectoral limitations

Slovenia has a liberal foreign investment regime. The movement of capital is fully liberalised
and in line with the EU rules. In the field of inward direct investment, all sectors are open to
investors from the European Economic Area, while restrictions on investments by non-EEA
residents apply to the operation of games of chance, maritime transport and air transport.
Further, non-EEA institutions may not establish branches for the purpose of providing
depositary services to resident collective investment funds.
In the field of cross-border trade in services there are restrictions on non-EEA service
providers in road transport services; insurance services (except reinsurance, retrocession and
the transfer of social security and social insurance payments); and most banking and other
financial services (except settlement, clearing and depositary services, and advisory and
agency services). Reciprocity is required for non-EEA residents in areas such as cross-border
transport and real-estate investments.
Branches of third-country credit institutions which are located within the EEA and want to
provide payment services are according to Payment Services Directive (2007/64/EC) obliged to
establish a company in the EEA and subsequently apply for an authorisation.

Financial incentives

Foreign companies making direct investments in Slovenia may apply for financial grants. Grants are
available for investments in industry, strategic services (Customer Contact Centres, Shared Services
Centres, Logistics and Distribution Centres, Regional Headquarters) and R&D.
Incentives are eligible for up to 30% (up to 40% for medium and up to 50% for small
companies) of the cost of infrastructure and utility connections, the cost of construction or
purchase of buildings as well as the purchase of new machinery and equipment. In 2009, EUR
5 million was allocated. (Source: JAPTI 2009)

Search for Slovenian Investment here:

by the Centre for International Cooperation and Development.

Slovenia real estate investment

How to invest in Slovenia Real-estate

Companies established or purchased by foreign nationals in Slovenia have the same property
rights as companies established by domestic persons (the principle of national treatment).
That is why they may own real estate without limitation.

The following regimes apply to natural persons:
The EU: Since Slovenia’s accession to the European Union, EU citizens may freely and
unconditionally invest in and acquire real estate in the territory of Slovenia.
EEA: Pursuant to the Agreement on the European Economic Area the same regime applies to
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

The USA: Pursuant to the succeeded Treaty on Trade and Navigation concluded by Serbia
and the USA in 1881, which grants the most-favoured-nation status to US citizens, they may
acquire real estate in Slovenia on the same conditions as EU citizens.
Switzerland: Pursuant to the Protocol concluded between Switzerland and the EU in 2006
Swiss citizens may acquire real estate in Slovenia if they have the right to a permanent
residence in Slovenia or if they have the right to live in Slovenia without having a permanent
residence and need the property for business purposes (including touristic accommodation

EU candidate states: Pursuant to the Act governing the conditions for acquiring title to
property by natural persons and legal entities of European Union candidate countries, the
citizens of these countries may acquire real estate in Slovenia on the principle of reciprocity.
Other countries: citizens from other countries (and the branches of companies from other
countries) may purchase and acquire real estate in Slovenia on the terms defined by a relevant
lex specialis, or by ratified and gazetted international agreements. Third country residents
may only own real estate if they have both inherited it and if the reciprocity principle is

There are no restrictions on the leasing of real estate by foreign nationals. Leasehold may be
acquired for up to 99 years.

Find Slovenia Invest here:

by the Centre for International Cooperation and Development.

Zemljiškoknjižni predlogi občutno dražji


Za vpis zaznambe lastninske pravice zdaj plačate 12 evrov sodne takse, po novembru pa boste morali plačati še notarsko ali odvetniško storitev: 44 ali 110 evrov. Le notarji in odvetniki bodo po novem namreč pristojni za vlagaje zemljiškoknjižnih predlogov.

Pravosodni minister Aleš Zalar predvideva, da bo novembra uveljavljena sprememba zakona o zemljiški knjigi, ki prinaša popolno digitalizacijo zemljiške knjige, vključno z vlaganjem predlogov za pridobitev lastninske pravice, hipoteke, služnostne pravice in podobnim. S spremembo želi minister razbremeniti sodišča tehničnih opravil (skeniranje, arhiviranje) in jih prenaša na notarje in odvetnike, ki pa s tem ne prevzemajo nobene dodatne odgovornosti za same predloge.

»Če bi stranki dopustili, da sama vloži predlog, bi sodišča še naprej morala opravljati večino tehničnih opravil,« na pravosodnem ministrstvu pojasnjujejo razloge, zakaj posameznik ne bo mogel več sam vložiti predloga na obrazcu iz papirnice ali z interneta.

Odvetniki že poskrbeli zase

Po prvotnem osnutku zakona naj bi predloge ekskluzivno vlagali notarji, po dopolnjenem pa so dodani odvetniki in državni pravobranilci. Kot nam je pojasnil predsednik odvetniške zbornice Miha Kozinc, se je z Zalarjem izpogajal za takšno dopolnitev. S tem, tako Kozinc, osnutek zakona zadovoljuje tudi interese odvetnikov. »Še vedno pa bodo originalne listine, ki se sicer redko potrebujejo, hranili notarji.

Postavlja se povsem nov koncept zemljiške knjige, ki bo po novem samo ena, elektronska knjiga. Odvetnikom ne gre v račun, zakaj bi originalne listine hranili notarji tako kot v Nemčiji, in ne krajevno pristojno sodišče tako kot v Avstriji glede na to, da je zemljiško knjigo uvedla Marija Terezija. Namesto na sodišču v Piranu bi tako lahko listino hranil tudi notar v Lendavi,« se čudi Kozinc.

Namesto 44 zemljiških knjig ena sama

Predsednica notarske zbornice Marjana Tičar Bešter dodaja, da v zadnji verziji osnutka zakona tudi hranjenje originalnih listin ni več predvideno pri notarju, ampak bo originalna listina, potem ko bo skenirana, vrnjena lastniku. To sicer na pravosodnem ministrstvu zanikajo.

Tičar Bešterjeva kot veliko prednost omenja enotno zemljiško knjigo, saj bo predlog reševalo najmanj obremenjeno sodišče. »Podoben sistem za sodni register gospodarskih družb je precej skrajšal čakalne vrste za vpis zlasti v Ljubljani.

Danes na vpis v sodni register čakate le dva do največ štiri dni,« pravi notarka, ki je prepričana, da se tako povečuje pravna varnost. Priznava sicer, da bo za lastnika, ki je predloge vlagal sam, storitev po novem dražja. »Za tiste, ki vlaganje predlogov prepustijo notarju, pa se cena zaradi elektronskega vpisa ne bo povišala,« zagotavlja prva notarka v državi.

Notarske tarife sicer določa pravosodni minister. Zdaj je tarifa za zemljiškoknjižni predlog manjše vrednosti 44 evrov, za predlog večje vrednosti pa 110 evrov.

Nepremičninarji bi se zgledovali po e-Vem točkah

Še vedno pa so do osnutka kritični nepremičninarji, ki poleg bank vložijo največ zemljiškoknjižnih predlogov. Predsednik nepremičninskega društva Franci Ježek sodi, da se bo zaradi nakupa bralnika in druge tehnične opreme, ki bo potrebna za elektronsko vlaganje, močno podražilo vlaganje zemljiškoknjižnih predlogov.

Po novem bo moral poleg sodne takse plačati še storitev, ki jo Ježek ocenjuje blizu sto evrov. »Predlog bi bilo treba omiliti. Smiselna bi bila podobna ureditev, kot je pri sodnem registru, v katerega je mogoče vlagati predloge prek notarja ali na točki e-Vem. Morda bi bila smiselna neobvezujoča vloga prek notarja. Lahko bi predloge vlagale tudi nepremičninske družbe, saj gre za nezahtevne tehnološke postopke.

Največja težava pa je, da osnutek zakona prinaša monopol nad vlaganjem zemljiškoknjižnih predlogov,« razmišlja Ježek, ki bi zdajšnje zemljiškoknjižne urade preoblikoval v podobne centre, kot so e-Vem točke.

Poiščite svojo nadstandardno nepremičnino tukaj:

Vir: Finance, Nepremičnine, Jaka Elikan