Thursday 3 June 2010

How to buy property in Slovenia ?


Find suitable property for you

Much time and expense is wasted by making numerous trips to Slovenia before you actually know what and where would you like to buy. We aim to speed things up as much as possible by clearly understanding your needs from the outset and only presenting Real Estates which can be bought without too many problems.

Following accession to the EU in 2004, EU citizens may now buy Real Estate in Slovenia without restrictions. However, there are special procedures pertaining to the acquisition of agricultural land. Before purchasing Real Estate in Slovenia, the buyer should obtain a tax number (personal tax ID) and EMSO number (unique personal number - comparable to a social security number in UK) from the local authority where the Real Estate is located. This takes about ten days.

Select the Real Estate

With our assistance you will view Real Estate, obtain some basic information and documentation, and negotiate the general terms of the purchase. At this stage we will organize a survey, local land registry searches, and all necessary checks with the local authorities, as far as local planning and building regulations are concerned. (Real Estates matches the Land Registry definition, Real Estate was not built without planning permission , any work or extensions done, have received approval and have had the relevant taxes paid …)

Even if you find a particularly Real Estate, by yourself, hire a real estate agent. The status of Estate Agents is regulated by a new law (2003). Estate Agents must now be licensed and registered (Slovenian Real Estate agent register: here - our number 0072700749 ) . The quality of our work is now insured. On the average, our foreign clients are more experienced in real estate transactions, but they face a language barrier combined with different transaction procedure and tax legislation.

Sign the contract

In view of the fact that this is an unequivocal commitment to buy the Real Estate and pay the agreed price at the time of signature, it is vital to have acquired all the documentation and search reports necessary to complete the purchase, or, at the very least to have ascertained all legal and practical difficulties / problems, and agreed a timetable to sort them out before completion. Slovenian law requires all contracts relating to land or buildings to be in writing, signed by both parties.


The final stage relates to the completion formalities, tax office, local Notary. The notary places his seal on the documents, which are then submitted to the Land Registry Office to record the transfer of the property in the Land Book. Only the final paper from the Land Registry Office certifies that the property has been transferred from the previous owner to you.

Find the best LUXURY REAL ESTATE in SLOVENIA for sale here:

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